Adding products to your store

Create and organize your products on store pages to sell your goods and services online.

Last updated February 15, 2025

Add products to a store page to create a Squarespace Commerce store.

There are four different product types in Squarespace:

You can sell physical and service products as one-time purchases or as subscriptions that automatically renew. If you sell specialized services on a project-by-project basis, you can create projects and send invoices to clients.

This guide applies to version 7.0 and version 7.1.


Ensure your products comply with Section 1.2 of our Product Specific Terms. If Squarespace Payments is your payment solution, ensure your products comply with section 3.8 of our Squarespace Payments terms. If you're accepting payments with Stripe or PayPal, ensure your products meet PayPal's Acceptable Use guidelines and don't appear on Stripe's list of prohibited businesses.

Accessing this feature

Commerce features are available in the Basic, Core, Plus, Advanced, Business, Commerce Basic, and Commerce Advanced plans. To learn more, visit Choosing the right Squarespace plan.

Watch a video

Register for our Getting Started with Squarespace Commerce webinar where we'll teach you the basics of setting up your online store. You'll learn how to add a store page, create products, and connect payment processors. Also check out our Design tips to increase your store’s sales webinar where we’ll present tools and tips that you can use to help make your products stand out across your site and drive sales.

How Squarespace organizes products

Products in Squarespace stores are organized in two parts: store pages and product details pages.

Store pages

Store pages are browsable collections of products. The page includes key details about each product, usually the title, price, and if it's sold out. Clicking on a specific product opens its details page for more details. To learn more about styling store pages, visit Styling store pages.

You can have multiple store pages on your site. All stores have store pages.



Product Quick View displays additional details without leaving the store page.

Product details pages

Every product in a store page has its own details page, which includes more images, variant drop-down menus, and a button for purchasing the item. Product details pages are sub-pages of a store page. To learn more about styling product details pages, visit Styling store pages.



Step 1 - Add a store page

How you add a store page depends on which version of Squarespace your site is on.

  1. Open the Pages panel.
  2. Click the + icon, then select Store from the page menu.
  3. Select a store layout.

If you already have a store page, you’ll be sent to a page asking you to choose to add a new store page or a new product category. It’s possible to add multiple store pages in version 7.1, but we recommend adding all of your products to a single store page. Then add product categories to automatically organize products into filtered pages, which display in a navigation on your store page. To learn more about product categories, visit Organizing Products.

To add more content to your store page, visit Page sections.

  1. Open the Pages panel.
  2. Click the + icon, then select Store or Products from the page menu.
  3. Add a page title, then press Enter.

You can also click the the gear icon that appears when you hover over the page title to customize your page's settings.

To make your store exclusive and only sell products to site members, add Member Sites to your site and move your store page into your gated content.

Step 2 - Add a product

After creating at least one store page, you can start adding products.

Each site can have up to 10,000 products. To add a product on the computer in version 7.1:

  1. Open the Pages panel.
  2. Click a store page, then click the + icon. You can also click the + icon in the Products panel, then choose the store page.
  3. Select a product type. It's not possible to edit this after creating a product.

To add a product on a computer in version 7.0:

  1. Open the Pages panel.
  2. Click a store page, then click the + icon. You can also click the + icon in the Products panel, then choose the store page.
  3. Select a product type. It's not possible to edit this after creating a product.

Each store page can have up to 200 products.

To expand or collapse the panel, click the vertical line halfway down the page.


To add a product:

  1. Tap Commerce, then tap + in the top-right corner.
  2. Tap Add new product.
  3. Tap the store page where you'd like to add the product.
  4. Tap the type of product you'd like to add Physical or Service. In the iOS app you can also add a Gift Card.

You can also use the Home tab shortcut to skip directly to choosing a store page. In the Home tab, tap +, then tap Add a new product.

Product types

Choose from these product types when adding a new product. You can only add physical and service products on mobile.

Physical Merchandise, apparel, and any other physical goods. These can be a one-time purchase or a subscription. If you sell physical products, you'll need to add at least one shipping or local pickup option to your store.
Download Ebooks, audio files, and any other digital content you sell. When a customer purchases this type of product, they're sent a download link that's active for 24 hours after the link is first clicked.
Service Classes, consultations, events, or any other service you offer. Unlike physical goods, service products aren't shipped to customers, so they don't require shipping methods or a shipping address at checkout. These can be a one-time purchase, or a subscription.
Gift Card Gift cards are unique digital codes that recipients can use as payment in your online store.


If you are eligible, you can turn any physical or service product into a subscription to charge customers on a recurring basis. You can only create subscription products on a computer. To learn more, visit Subscription products.

Other product options

In addition to the product types listed above, you can also select Appointments, Membership, and Video on Demand. These options won't appear on your store page or in a product block. When you select one of these options, here's what happens:

  • Appointments - Create a Scheduling page to help your customers book time with you.
  • Membership - Create a Member Site to offer gated content to customers that sign up.
  • Video on Demand - Create a Videos page and a Member Site to offer videos your customers pay to view. This option is only available on version 7.1.

Step 3 - Add product details

Add product details to the fields in the product editor. When you create your first product, you may be prompted to add the product's name, image, price, and quantity before you can add other details.

The product composer is organized into these sections:

Click a link to learn more about each product details field.


Add these details in the Details section.

Field Details
Product name Add the product name.
Product description Add the product description. If you paste text, ensure it's plain text.
Additional info Add more details to the product's page using blocks. To learn more, visit Adding additional information to products.


Add these details in the Images section.

Field Description
Add images Upload images to the product, or reuse images you’ve already added in other parts of your site. Multiple images display as thumbnails on the product item view. You can also add variant images after adding product options. To learn more, visit Product images.
Alt text To add alt text, hover over an image, click the ... icon, then click Edit metadata.
Delete images To delete an image, click the icon, then click Delete.
Featured image To add a featured image, upload an image and click Featured image. Featured images represent the product in most areas of your site, so it's best to use the image you want customers to encounter first.


Add these details in the Inventory section.

Field Description
Upload file If the product is a download product, click Upload file to add a file. This file is sent to customers when they purchase the product. To learn more about requirements for files, visit Download products.
Price Set the product price.
On sale To set a product to on sale, switch the toggle on beside On sale.
Sale price If the product is on sale, set the sale price.
Unlimited quantity By default, new products have an unlimited quantity. To set the stock level, switch the toggle off beside Unlimited quantity.
Quantity Enter the product’s stock level. This number automatically changes after orders and returns.
SKU To set a custom SKU, click the automatically assigned SKU number to edit it.

You can sell different versions of the same product with unique pricing, images, and stock levels. For example, a shirt that comes in multiple colors or sizes.

Click Add to add different product options and variants. For detailed steps, visit Adding product variants.


Field Description
Profiles Assign a fulfillment profile to the product. This limits the shipping options that display when a customer checks out with this product. Select Default profile to show all shipping options at checkout. To learn more, visit Setting up shipping rates.
Weight and dimensions

Add the product weight and dimensions to use these shipping options:

Click Weight and dimensions, set the dimensions, then click Apply.


Add these details in the Organization section.

Field Description
Visibility Click the visibility drop-down menu to set the product visibility to Public, Hidden, or Scheduled.
Categories Categories create a navigation on your store page, which helps shoppers find the type of product they're looking for. Categories can also be used as filters in various organizational blocks. To add categories, click Add. To learn more, visit Organizing products.
Tags Tags can be used as filters in various organizational blocks. To add a tag, click Add. To learn more, visit Organizing products.
Connect tax extensions (US only)

To set product-specific tax rates in your store, set up automatic tax rates and add a tax category to each product.

If you haven't yet set up tax rates, click Add Extension to Sign up for TaxJar and connect our TaxJar extension. With TaxJar, you can set up automatic tax rates in the US.

For detailed steps, visit Setting up automatic tax rates in the US.

Tax category (US only)

After connecting TaxJar, search for and select the tax category that corresponds with the product type.

Selling Tools

Add these details in the Selling Tools section.

Field Description
Featured product To highlight the product in the summary block, switch the toggle on beside Featured product. This is useful for displaying multiple products from different collections in one location.
Related products Enable related products to display similar products based on category on the product details page. Click Related products, then select the category from the drop-down menu.
Product add-ons Encourage customers to add extra items to their order by displaying complementary items as an optional add-on.
Customer reviews To request customer reviews for your store, click Product Reviews, then click Leave to go to the customer reviews panel. For detailed steps, visit Customer reviews.


Add these details in the Marketing section.

Field Description

Click SEO and URL to preview the way your product appears in search results. Click Edit to customize the URL and SEO title and description. Then click Apply.

Your SEO title and description helps search engines connect customers with your product.

Social share When you share a link to the product on social media, the product's featured image displays by default. To share a different image on social media, click Social share, then click Add image to upload an image. Click Apply.


Add these details in the Checkout section.

Field Description
Custom button

Click Custom button to customize the Add to cart button.

Custom forms

Click Custom forms to create a custom product form for customers to complete before they can add the product to their cart. For help with this, visit Creating a custom product form.


Click Subscription to make the product a subscription, which renews regularly at a chosen interval. To learn more, visit Subscription products.


In the app, you can edit these details:

  • Add variants (iOS only)
  • Weight and dimensions (iOS only)
  • Description
  • On sale
  • Price
  • Product name
  • SKU
  • Status
  • Track stock

To add or edit other details, edit your store on a computer.

Step 4 - Save

When you're done, save the product.

Hover over Save and click Publish to publish the product to your store page. This sets the product as available for purchase.

Schedule a product

Instead of publishing a product right away, you can schedule it to appear on your site later, at a time you specify. This is a great option if you release new product lines periodically and want to promote a new collection all at the same time.

To schedule a product:

  1. Hover over Save and click Schedule.
  2. Set the date and time when you want the product to be visible.
  3. Click Apply.

If you've already published the product:

  1. Open the product.
  2. Click Edit product.
  3. Scroll to Organization and click the Visibility drop-down menu.
  4. Click Scheduled.

Scheduled products have a Scheduled status in the Product editor and Products panels. On the product’s scheduled date, the status changes to Visible.

The scheduled date and time are based on your time zone set in Language and region settings, not a visitor’s local time. To ensure your products publish when you want them to, review your Language and region settings.

After you've completed all fields, tap Save or . You'll be prompted to publish the product so it's visible, or you can save it as hidden.

To learn how to schedule products in the app, visit Editing products.

More options

Beyond the basics, your site includes other options to help you customize your products.

Social accounts

You can connect a social account to your site to publish your store’s content on social media. Click Social accounts to go to the Connected Accounts panel. To learn more, visit Connecting social accounts.

Share products with followers and attract new customers by selling your products on Facebook and Instagram.

To learn more, visit Selling products on Facebook and Instagram.

Limited availability labels

Let customers know when your products are low in stock by enabling limited availability labels. When a product dips below an inventory threshold, you can display a label next to the product on the store page, product blocks, summary blocks, and product details page.

Size charts

If you sell clothing, you may want to include a size chart to help shoppers choose the best size for them. To do this, create size chart in a third-party program, upload the file, and link to it from your product descriptions. 

The option to buy multiple service products

By default, customers can only buy one service product at a time. If you sell tickets to classes or workshops, check Let customers buy multiple service products in your checkout settings so customers can buy multiple service products at the same time.

Promote your products with engaging content

To showcase your products, create professional quality content with the Marketing Kit in the iOS Squarespace app. You can add the content to your site, or share it on your social media platforms.

Duplicate the product

Accessing this feature

It's not possible to duplicate a product in the Squarespace app.

You can duplicate a physical or service product to quickly create and customize a new, similar product. Click the ... icon at the top of the product editor and click Duplicate. To learn more, visit Duplicating products.

Delete the product

You can delete a product on a computer or in the Squarespace app.

To permanently delete a product, click the ... icon at the top of the product editor and click Delete.

To permanently delete a product, tap the product in the Inventory list, then scroll down and tap Delete. Tap Yes to confirm.

To permanently delete a product, tap the product in the Inventory list, then tap the ... in the top-right corner. Tap Delete, then tap Delete again to confirm.

Style the store page

You can customize your Products Page's layout and design with your site's style options.

  • If you have multiple store pages, style changes apply to all of them to create a consistent look.
  • Your site may support more features, such as banner images or page headers, that affect how the store page looks.

Visit Styling store pages for more help.

Shopping cart

The shopping cart icon shows the number of items in a customer's cart, brings customers to a cart summary, and leads to the checkout page.

How your shopping cart icon displays depends on which version of Squarespace your site is on.

The shopping cart icon displays by default, even when the shopper has no items in their cart. Edit your site header to disable it or change its design. To learn more, visit Shopping cart icon display.

When a customer adds a product to their cart, the shopping cart button appears. Some templates, like Brine, display the shopping cart button when the cart is empty.

If the shopping cart button doesn't appear on your site, ensure Express Checkout is disabled and check that the cart isn't hidden.

You can style the cart in some templates.


Product limits depend on your site’s version, and the method you use to add products to your store.

  • Products - In version 7.1, you can add up to 10,000 products per store page. In version 7.0, the limit is 200. Hidden products count toward this limit.
  • Variants - Each product can have 250 variants, images, and SKUs, whether added through the product editor or the .csv importer.

Character limits:

  • Categories - 25 characters
  • Product names - 200 characters
  • SKUs - 20 characters
  • Tags - 80 characters

File size limits:

  • Product images should be smaller than 5MB.
  • Download product files can't exceed 300MB.

Price limits:

  • Products can't exceed $1,000,000
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