Managing blog post authors

Customize, style, or hide the name attributed to blog posts.

Last updated March 19, 2024

An author is a name attributed to content on your site, such as blog posts. Author names create bylines that tell visitors who wrote the content they're reading—either a person or a company name—and help distinguish between multiple contributors.

How author names appear depends on your version, template, and style settings. In general, author names display above or below the blog post content. In some templates, author names are always hidden.

The contributor who created the post is automatically set as the post's author. You can change the author manually to attribute a post to a different person or name.

In Squarespace 7.1 and some Squarespace 7 templates, blog posts display an author profile with more information.

Add authors

When you create a post, your name appears as the default option in the Author drop-down menu in blog post settings.

There are two ways to add an author:

  • Add contributors - Depending on their permissions, contributors can add and publish their own content. To add contributors, invite them to your site. After they accept the invitation, their name appears in the drop-down menu. The number of contributors you can have depends on your billing plan.
  • Basic authors - A basic author is a name you can assign to a blog post but isn't connected to a contributor account. For example, you could add your company name or a guest poster. You can add as many basic authors as you want.

For all profiles, we recommend using the same name in the Bio and Account tabs to ensure the name displays consistently. Which of these names displays varies by template.


Contributors will see their own names as the default author of a post, which they can change manually by editing the post. There isn't a way to always have a basic author as the default author.

Change a post's author

You can change an individual blog post's author in the post's settings.

  1. Open the Pages panel and click a blog page.
  2. Hover over the post in the side panel and click ..., then click Settings.
  3. In the Content tab, click Author.
  4. Choose from the list of names that you've added to your site.
  5. Click Save
  1. Open the Pages panel and click a blog page.
  2. Hover over the post and click Edit.
  3. In the Options tab, click Author.
  4. Choose from the list of names that you've added to your site.
  5. Click Save
  1. Tap More, tap Pages, tap the blog page, then tap the blog post.
  2. Tap ..., then tap Settings.
  3. Tap Content, then tap Author.
  4. Tap the new author.
  5. Tap Back, then tap Save.


There isn't a way to batch-edit blog posts to assign them a new author. Instead, update each blog post individually.

Edit an author's name

When you change an author's name, all posts assigned to that author will update with the new name. How you change an author's name depends on the author:

Hide author names from posts

Most templates let you choose to hide or show the author in style settings. A few templates always hide author names. Visit Hiding a blog post's metadata for display options by template.

If your version 7.0 template doesn't support hiding authors and you don't want to switch templates, there are other options:

  • Use a summary block on a layout page to create a blog landing page that doesn't display author names.
  • Add a basic author that has a more generic name, like the title of your blog.

Style author names

To style the color, font, and size of your blog page's author names:

  1. While editing a page, open Site styles, then click Fonts.
  2. Click Meta to style the author font and size.
  3. Return to the Site styles panel and click Colors, then click the pencil icon on your theme.
  4. Find the Blog section that matches your blog page layout (for example, Blog: Grid or Blog: Alternating) and use the Post Meta tweak.
  5. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or click Exit and then Save to close the editor.

The font of the author names on individual blog posts follows the Meta tweaks. To style the color of author names on blog posts:

  1. While editing a page, open Site styles, then click Colors.
  2. Hover over your theme and click the pencil icon.
  3. Under Blog Post, use the Post Meta tweak.
  4. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or click Exit and then Save to close the editor.

Open Site styles while on a blog page and look for Meta or Metadata tweaks. Every template family has its own site styles tweaks and options. If your site styles doesn't have meta tweaks, the metadata tags typically follow the body font's settings.

You may need to un-hide author names to see the tweaks.

Filter posts by author

Clicking an author's name takes you to a filtered page displaying all posts by the author on that blog page. To link to this page, use the dedicated URL that appears when you view the filtered author page in incognito mode.

Some templates display the author's name at the top of the filtered page.

KB Guide Image

You can help your visitors filter by post authors with an archive block. Clicking any name in an archive list takes you to the filtered page for that author.

  1. In the archive block editor's Content tab, choose your blog.
  2. In the Display tab, select Group By Author.
  3. Use the Layout menu to choose how it displays (List, Menu, or Index).

Other options

  • You can create a filtered RSS feed by adding author names as tags or categories.
  • Summary blocks create a magazine-style grid of recent posts. Summary blocks don't filter by author, but you can set authors to display with the Primary or Secondary Metadata drop-down menus in the Display tab.

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