Blogging with Squarespace

Set up and style your blog, then create posts to engage with your audience.

Last updated February 8, 2025

In this guide, you'll learn how to create and manage a blog on your Squarespace site. With Squarespace's built-in blog page, you can create blog posts and excerpts, tag and categorize posts, enable comments, push your posts to social media, and more. You can also add a paywall to your blog page and require visitors to sign up or pay to access your posts.

You can update your blog on the computer, or through the Squarespace app. It's not possible to update your Squarespace blog via an XML-RPC client.

For tips on making your blog more accessible, visit Creating accessible site content.

Watch a video (version 7.1)

This video applies to version 7.1.

How Squarespace organizes blogs

Blogs in Squarespace are organized in two parts: blog pages and individual blog posts.

Blog pages

The blog page is your blog’s landing page. It displays multiple posts in a list or grid, depending on your site. Clicking a post title or featured image opens the individual blog post in its own page. You can have multiple blog pages on your site.

Blog posts

Blog posts are sub-pages of a blog page. Each blog post has its own page and dedicated URL. You can add as many blog posts to a blog page as you'd like.

Add a blog page

How you add or open a blog page depends on which version of Squarespace your site is on.

  1. Open the Pages panel, then click the + icon.
  2. Under Collections, click Blog.
  3. Select the Blog layout you want. You can change this later.
  4. Enter a page title, then press Enter. You can change this later.

Use the blog page settings to change other aspects of the page, such as posts per page, SEO title, social sharing image, podcasting information, and code injection. To learn about styling your blog page and its posts, visit Styling blog pages in version 7.1.

It's not possible to add blocks to the blog section of a blog page, but you can add block sections above or below the blog section.

  1. Open the Pages panel, then click the + icon.
  2. Select Blog from the pages menu.
  3. Enter a page title, then press Enter. You can change this later.

In the blog page's settings, set how many posts appear per page, between one and 20. If your blog posts can't display on one page, a link to older posts appears at the bottom of the landing page. Learn about its appearance and styling options in your template's guide.

You can also use the blog page settings to change other aspects of the page, such as SEO title, social sharing image, and podcasting information.

Create a new post

To add a new blog post:

  1. Open the Pages panel, click the blog page, then click + in the side panel.
  2. Add a title for your post in the Enter a post title... field. Titles must be 200 characters or fewer.
  3. Your new post includes a text block to help you get started. To add more blocks to the post, click an insert point.
  4. After adding content to your post, you can open your post's settings and edit settings, including categories and tags, comments settings, and featured images.

Blog posts use the classic editor. It's not possible to use Fluid Engine on blog posts.

  1. Open the Pages panel, click the blog page, then click + in the side panel.
  2. Add a title for your post in the Enter a post title... field. Titles must be 200 characters or fewer.
  3. Your new post includes a text block to help you get started. To add more blocks to the post, click the + icon or an insert point.

To edit the blog post in full-screen, click the expand arrow in the top-right corner of the editor.

  1. Tap More, tap Pages, then tap the blog. 
  2. Tap the + icon in the top-right to add a new post.
  3. Add a title for your post in the Enter a post title... field. Titles must be 200 characters or fewer.
  4. Your new post includes a text block to help you get started. To add more blocks to the post, tap the + icon at the top of the screen. For more help with blocks, visit Adding content with blocks.

You can also use the Home tab shortcut to add a new blog post. In the Home tab, tap +, then tap Add a new post. This creates a new post in the most recently edited blog page.

Edit an existing post

To edit the title or body of an existing blog post:

  1. Open the blog page, then click the blog post in the side panel.
  2. Click Edit in the top-left corner of the page. 
  3. After making changes, click Save to save your changes and keep editing.
  1. Open the blog page, then hover over the blog post and click Edit.
  2. After making changes, click Save.
  1. Open the blog page, tap the post, then tap Preview at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Tap Edit at the top of the screen.
  3. Tap Done after editing, then tap Save Changes.

Mobile blog editor

The Squarespace app's blog editor provides a streamlined and focused editing experience when creating or editing blog posts. The editor is optimized for mobile devices, and currently supports:

  • Creating new blog posts 
  • Adding text, image, and line blocks to new blog posts (use a computer to add other types of blocks)
  • Editing existing blog posts

Open an existing post's settings

To edit the settings of a post you previously added to your blog page, like categories and tags, comments settings, and featured images:

  1. Open the blog page, hover over the post in the side panel and click ..., then click Settings.
  2. Click the tabs to edit different settings.
  3. After making changes, click Save.
  1. Open the blog page, then hover over the post and click Edit.
  2. Click the tabs to edit different settings.
  3. After making changes, click Save.
  1. Open the blog page, then tap the post.
  2. Tap ... then tap Settings or Page Settings.
  3. Tap Save after making your changes.

Edit post settings

After opening a post's settings, click the following tabs to edit corresponding post settings. Your post settings depend on which version of Squarespace your site is on.




Social image



  • In the Address fields, add a location to correspond to the blog post




Social image



In the Location fields, add a location to correspond to your blog post.

Add a location

You can display the locations for blog posts in summary blocks. To add a location to the blog post:

  1. Open the blog page, then hover over the post in the side panel and click ..., then click Settings.
  2. In the post settings, click the Location tab.
  3. Enter an address, then press Enter or Return to drop a pin on the map.
  1. In the post settings, click the Location tab.
  2. Enter an address, then press Enter or Return to drop a pin on the map.

Farro, Five, Native, and templates with grid/stacked blog pages can display the location on your blog post.


If your site is on version 7.1: 

  1. Tap ... next to the post, then tap Settings.
  2. Tap Location.
  3. Enter a business name and address. 
  4. Tap Back, then tap Save.

If your site is on version 7.0:

  1. Tap the blog post, then in the editor tap ... then tap Page Settings
  2. Tap Location
  3. Enter a business name and address. 
  4. Tap Back, then tap Save

Save or publish

When you’re done editing a post and its settings, you have a few options:

To Do this
Save the post and keep it as a draft

Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or Exit then Save to close the editor. New blog posts are set to Draft by default.

Save the post and publish it as a public post

In the top-left, hover over Publish, then click Publish.

Or, in the post settings, you can click Options, click Status, select Published, then click Save.

Schedule the post to self-publish in the future

In the top-left, hover over Publish, then click Schedule….

Or, in the post settings, you can click Options, click Status, click Scheduled, choose a date and time, and click Save.

To learn more, visit Scheduling blog posts.

Save the post and put it aside for review by a senior editor or other contributor

In the post settings, click Status, select Needs Review, and click Save

To Do this
Save the post and keep it as a draft

Click Save.

Blog posts are set to Draft by default, but if you've previously selected Schedule or Needs Review, click the status label and select Draft before clicking Save.

Save the post and publish as a public post Click Save & Publish.
Schedule the post to self-publish in the future Click the status label above Save & Publish and select Schedule. To learn more, visit Scheduling blog posts.
Save the post and put it aside for review by a senior editor or other contributor Click the status label above Save & Publish and select Needs Review, then click Save.

To change the status of a post after it's saved or published, click the status label above the Save button.

click the post status
To Do this
Save the post and publish as a public post

Tap Done or after editing, then tap Publish.

Save the post and keep it as a draft

Tap Done or after editing, then tap Save as Draft.

Save the post and schedule it to publish at a later time

Tap Done or after editing, then tap Schedule and choose a date and time. The post will remain a draft until publication.

Delete the most recent edits

Tap Done or after editing, then tap Discard Changes.

To change the status of a post after it's saved or published if your site it on version 7.1:

  1. Tap the post, tap ..., tap Settings, then tap Options.
  2. Tap Status and set a new status. From here, you can also tap Needs Review. This is helpful if you have a senior editor who reviews multiple authors’ work.
  3. Tap Back, then tap Save.

If your site is on version 7.0:

  1. Tap the post, then in the editor tap ..., then tap Page Settings
  2. Tap Post Status and set a new status. 
  3. Tap Back, then tap Save

After publishing a post, a window appears confirming the post is live. The window also displays your blog post's public URL, icons linking to Facebook and LinkedIn, and a button to create a campaign draft.

If you didn't push your post to social media automatically, this is a great way to share your post manually. Click Copy next to your blog post's public URL, then click the Facebook or LinkedIn icon and paste the URL into a post.

You can use the Status setting to change the publication date of a blog post before or after it's published. This changes the order in which posts appear on a blog page.

Sell access to your blog posts (version 7.1)

If your site is on version 7.1, you can monetize your blog by adding a paywall and pricing plan. You can also offer free access to your posts if your visitors provide their email address. 

After you add your blog page to a pricing plan, you can choose where the paywall appears for your visitors. When a visitor encounters a paywall, they must sign up for your pricing plan to access your posts.

To select where a paywall appears on your blog:

  1. Open the Pages panel.
  2. Click a blog page, then click Paywall.
  3. In the Paywall placement section, select one of the following options:
    • Blog posts only - The paywall appears on the individual blog posts. Visitors can view the overview page, but the content of the blog posts is hidden. 
    • Blog overview and blog posts - The paywall appears when visitors click the blog overview page. Visitors can't view any content on the blog page.
  4. Click Save.

Customize your paywall to welcome visitors to your blog and encourage them to sign up for your pricing plan.

Offer a blog post preview

You can set an article limit using blog post previews. Any visitor that hasn't signed up for your pricing plan can read the full preview post.

To show a specific post as a preview:

  1. Open the Pages panel.
  2. Click a blog page.
  3. Ensure that your paywall is set to Blog posts only by reviewing the paywall settings listed above.
  4. Click Blog content.
  5. Hover over the blog post in the side panel, click ..., then click Set as public preview.
  6. If you decide to no longer offer the post as a preview, click Remove as public preview.

Blog posts set to public show a "preview" badge on the overview page. There's no limit to the number of preview posts you can offer.

Podcasts and paywalls

If you place your podcast's blog page behind a paywall, Apple Podcasts can't read your feed. This makes your podcast private for visitors that pay to access your blog. Your visitors can only listen to your podcast when on your blog page.

Manage blog posts (computer only)

You can manage your blog posts in the side panel that displays when you open the blog page:

  • Posts are ordered by their last saved date, from newest to oldest.
  • Scheduled posts appear at the top.
  • Search for a blog post for editing or publication using the search bar at the top of the panel.
  • Click All to filter the results to Draft, Scheduled, or Published.
  • You can move blog posts from one blog page to another.
  • You can delete blog posts to remove them from the blog page.
  • Draft, Published, Scheduled, and Needs Review posts are ordered by their last saved date, from newest to oldest.
  • Scheduled posts appear at the top.
  • Search for a blog post for editing or publication using the search bar at the top of the panel.
  • Click Drafts, Review, or Scheduled to filter the results.
  • You can move blog posts from one blog page to another.
  • You can delete blog posts to remove them from the blog page.

Watch a video (version 7.0)

This video applies to version 7.0.

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