Events pages

Create an events page to help visitors find event times, locations, and other details.

Last updated January 24, 2025

Use events pages to add a list of events to your site. This is a great way to feature concerts, meetings, book tours, or any event you host.

Before you begin

  • Events pages don't support booking. For scheduling events or booking classes and appointments, we recommend adding Acuity Scheduling to your site.
  • It's not possible to set up recurring or repeating events. You can manually duplicate events to create identical events without reentering the same information.
  • Each events page supports up to 350 events per month, and displays up to 250 upcoming and 30 past events.
  • To display your events in a calendar format on other pages, use calendar blocks.

Add an events page

How you add an events page depends on which version of Squarespace your site is on.

To create private, members-only events, add Member Areas to your site.

  1. Open the Pages panel and click +.
  2. Under Collections, click Events.
  3. Select an events page. You can add or remove other types of sections on your page later.
  4. Enter a page title, then press Enter. You can change this later.

It's not possible to add blocks to the events section of an events page, but you can href="/hc/articles/360027987711#h_01HSGQ0CY38BATPF9EZ2HW7CDB" target="_self" add block sections above or below the events section.

  1. Open the Pages panel and click +.
  2. Select Events from the pages menu.
  3. Enter a page title, then press Enter. You can change this later.

Add an event

To add an event:

  1. Click the events page, then click + in the side panel.
  2. Add a title for your event under Event title.
  3. Click Date and time to select a start date and time under Event start.
  4. Click Event end to select an end date and time.
  5. Click Back, then click Location to add a location.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click insert points to add text and other content to the event description with blocks.
  8. Hover over Publish to publish the event or schedule it for later publication. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or click Exit and then Save to close the editor.

Keep in mind:

  • Start and end times are set in five-minute increments on a slider.
  • Events need to have an end time. End times can't be hidden.
  • When you change the start time of the event, the end time automatically changes to match. To change the duration of the event, change the end time first.
  • Depending on your site language, the start and end times may display in 12-hour time or 24-hour time. It's not possible to change the date or time format separate from your site language.
  • You can schedule events for up to two years in the future.

After saving, you can open the event settings to customize your event more.

Edit existing event titles and content

In version 7.1, edit the title and content of an event directly on the event item page. It's not possible to edit the title or content in the event settings. To do this:

  1. In the Pages panel, click the events page, then click the event.
  2. Click Edit in the top-left corner.
  3. To change the title, click into the title field and edit the text.
  4. To change the content, click into the blocks and edit the content, or add new blocks.
  5. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or click Exit and then Save to close the editor to publish your changes.
  1. Click the events page, then click + in the side panel.
  2. Add a title in the title field.
  3. Select a Start and End date and time. Events need to have an end time. End times can't be hidden.
  4. Add text or other content to event description with blocks.
  5. Continue editing other settings.
  6. Click Save to save the event as a draft, or Save & publish to publish it immediately. To learn more, review Save or publish the event.

Add a newsletter block to the event description to build an Email Campaigns mailing list of your attendees.

Open event settings

To edit the settings of an event you've added:

  1. In the side panel, hover over the event and click ..., then click Settings.
  2. After making changes, click Save.

While editing an event, you can also click the gear icon in the top-right corner to open the event settings.

Edit event settings

In the event's settings, click the tabs to edit different settings. Your event settings depend on which version of Squarespace your site is on.


  • Date and time - Edit the start and end date and time for the event. These are based on the time zone set in Language and region settings, and won't change based on a visitor's time zone. It's not possible to change the time format, such as to 24-hour time.
  • Featured image - Add a featured image to have an image representing the event display on the main events page and elsewhere on your site, like in calendar and summary blocks. The featured image won't appear in the content of the individual event. Add it to the event as an image block instead.
  • Excerpt - Add an excerpt to provide a short description that displays on the main events page and elsewhere on your site, like in summary blocks. If you don't add an excerpt, the full event content displays on the main events page.
  • Event URL - Edit the event's URL slug.
  • Source URL - Include a source URL to link visitors to more information about the event. The source URL link displays in the event description.

The Author option isn't supported by events pages.


Comments aren't supported by events pages. You can embed a third-party commenting service, like Disqus, using the code block. Note that we’re unable to offer troubleshooting support for advanced modifications like custom code.


Social image

Add an alternate social sharing image to display when the event is shared on social media.


Automatically share your event to your social media profiles when you publish. You need to have connected accounts to share content this way.


Pushing an event to Facebook doesn't create a Facebook event. Instead, it displays a link to the event on your site with a featured image and description.


In the Address fields, add a location for where the event will take place. When you start typing an address, the fields populate with a list of autocomplete suggestions powered by Google. This creates a pin on the map at that location.


  • Event title - Add a title to your event
  • Event text - Add text to the body of your event
  • Tags - Add tags to the post to organize your event based on its content
  • Categories - Add categories to organize your event based on its content
  • Status - Set the event’s publication status

Comments aren't supported by events pages. You can embed a third-party commenting service, like Disqus, using the code block. Note that we’re unable to offer troubleshooting support for advanced modifications like custom code.


  • Featured image - Add a featured image to have an image representing the event display on the main events page and elsewhere on your site, like in calendar and summary blocks. The featured image won't appear in the content of the individual event. Add it to the event as an image block instead.
  • Event URL - Edit the event’s URL slug.
  • Source URL - Include a source URL to link visitors to more information about the event. The source URL link displays in the event description.
  • Excerpt - Add an excerpt to provide a short description that displays on the main events page and elsewhere on your site, like in summary blocks. If you don't add an excerpt, the full event content displays on the main events page.
  • Featured event - Set it as a featured event.

The Author option isn't supported by events pages.


In the Location fields, add a location to correspond to your event



Add an alternate social sharing image to display when the event is shared on social media


Social - Automatically share your event to your social media profiles when you publish. You need to have connected accounts to share content this way.


Pushing an event to Facebook doesn't create a Facebook event. Instead, it displays a link to the event on your site with a featured image and description.

Sites on version 7.1

  • Tap the events page, then tap an event.
  • Tap …, then tap Settings
  • Tap a setting to make changes:
    • Content - Add the event's start date and time, upload a featured image, edit the event URL, or update the source URL. 
    • Options - Update the event's status, add tags or categories, or enable comments. 
    • SEO - Add an SEO title or description. 
    • Social Image - Add a social sharing image to appear when sharing your event on social sites. 
    • Share - Connect to a social account
    • Location - Add a location for where the event will take place. When you start typing an address, the fields populate with a list of autocomplete suggestions powered by Google.
  • When you're done, tap Back, then tap Save

Sites on version 7.0

  • Tap the events page, then tap an event.
  • Tap …, then tap Page Settings
  • Tap a setting to make changes:
    • Event title - Add a title to your event.
    • Starts on - Add the event's start date and time.
    • Ends on - Add the event's end date and time.
    • Location - Add a location for where the event will take place. When you start typing an address, the fields populate with a list of autocomplete suggestions powered by Google.
    • Publish status - Set the event’s publication status.
  • Tap More options to make more changes:
    • Event URL - Edit the event's URL slug.
    • Author - View the event author, though you can't make changes to the author setting. 
    • Excerpt - Add an excerpt to provide a short description that displays on the main events page and elsewhere on your site, like in summary blocks. If you don't add an excerpt, the full event content displays on the main events page.
    • Source URL - Update the URL that displays below the event. 
    • Social - Automatically share your event to your social media profiles when you publish. You need to have connected accounts to share content this way.
    • Featured event - Tap the toggle on to set it as a featured event.
    • Allow comments - Tap the toggle on to allow comments on the event. 
    • Tags - Add tags to the post to organize your event based on its content.
    • Categories - Add categories to organize your event based on its content.
  • When you're done, tap Save.

Save or publish the event

You can save events as drafts or make them live immediately.

After creating an event, hover over Publish, click Save, or click Exit:

  • Click Publish to make the event visible on your live site.
  • Click Schedule to schedule the event to go live at a specific date and time.
  • Click Save to save your changes and keep editing.
  • Click Exit and then Save to save the event as a draft that's hidden from your live site.

After creating an event:

  • Click Save to save your event as a draft that's hidden from your live site.
  • Click Save & Publish to make it visible on your live site.

You can also change the publication status in the Content tab of event settings:

  • Draft
  • Needs review
  • Published
  • Scheduled

Scheduled, Needs review, and Draft are helpful when you want to add events to your site but don’t want to make them immediately visible. You can keep an event unpublished for other site contributors to review before it’s public, or while testing out different styles for your page.

Style the events page

How to style your events page depends on your site's version.

  1. On the events page, click Edit.
  2. Hover over the events section and click the pencil icon.
  3. After making changes, click Save to save your work and keep editing, or click Exit and then Save to close the editor.

These settings apply to all events pages on your site.

Style events

Generally, the font and color styling of individual events matches the style settings for the rest of your site. Event titles display at a fixed size. You can set custom fonts and sizes for the pagination and dates. To learn more, visit Changing fonts.

It’s not possible to edit the layout of events or what information displays, like pagination links to events before and after.

Choose a layout

You can display events as a list or a calendar, and styling options vary based on the layout. If you have multiple events pages, you can display some as calendars and some as lists.

  1. In the Pages panel, hover over an events page and click gear-icon.
  2. Use the Default event view drop-down to select either List or Calendar.
  3. Click Save and refresh the page.

List layout

Events display in a list with descriptions, excerpts, and featured images. You can display up to 250 upcoming and 30 past events.

Calendar layout

Events display in a calendar with interactive features:

  • If an event has a featured image, the featured image displays. It's cropped to fit the square.
  • If an event has an excerpt, it displays on hover.
  • Arrow controls appear at the top to navigate by month.
  • Any days without events will be gray.

Keep in mind:

  • If a day has more than one event, each event's time and title display in the day's box. The height of the week expands, and featured images won't display.
  • If an event is set to end at midnight, Calendar view displays the event on both days. To only display the first day, change the end time to 11:59 pm.
  • Calendar view URL slugs include a date. Visitors have to click the back arrow twice to return to the previous page. To avoid this, choose List view or display events with calendar blocks.

What the calendar layout displays changes on smaller browsers to ensure it looks great on any device:

  • When the block width is smaller than 600 pixels, titles, event times, and excerpts display, but not featured images.
  • When the block width is smaller than 300 pixels, only titles display.

Style the events page and individual events

To style the events page:

  1. Go to your events page.
  2. Open the Site styles panel.
  3. Use the Events tweaks to change the landing page style.
  4. For tweaks specific to individual events, first ensure Disable item pages is unchecked. Then exit site styles, open an event, and reenter site styles.

Keep in mind:

  • If you have multiple events pages, style changes will apply to all of them to create a consistent look.
  • Your template may support more features, such as banner images or page headers, that affect how the events page looks.
  • Calendar view displays one month at a time, with each week in a Sunday to Saturday format. It's not possible to change this.

Events page tweaks

Use these site styles tweaks to style your events page. Keep in mind, the tweaks that appear depend on your layout and template:

  • Disable item pages - Disable the title links to individual event pages. When left unchecked, clicking an event's title opens the individual event page
  • 24-hour time - Display event times in 24-hour international standard time display

These tweaks appear for List view only:

  • Stacked view - Change the layout of the list
  • Show past events - Show or hide past events
  • Show thumbnails - Show or hide the featured image as a thumbnail that displays above or to the left of the event
  • Thumbnail size - Set the shape of the featured image
  • Show date tag - Show or hide the date tag that displays over or in place of the featured image
  • Show date tag w/ time - Include a time stamp with the date tag

These tweaks affect the event listing in List view:

  • Show categories - Show or hide the categories
  • Show date - Show or hide the date
  • Show time - Show or hide the time
  • Show location - Show or hide the location
  • Show export links - Show or hide export links to Google Calendar or iCal
  • Show social buttons - Show or hide likes and Share buttons
  • Show show excerpt - Show or hide the event description or excerpt text
  • Show button - Show or hide a View event button

These tweaks affect individual event pages:

  • Show export links - Show or hide export links to Google Calendar or iCal
  • Show social buttons - Show or hide simple likes and Share buttons
  • Show back link - Show or hide a Back to all events link
  • 24-Hour time - Display your event time using the 24-hour international standard time display
  • Stacked view - Change the layout of the individual event pages

Show or hide past events

Showing past events is a great way to display what you've offered previously. Up to 30 past events can appear when Show past events is enabled.

To show or hide past events:

  1. Click Edit in the top-left corner of an events page.
  2. Hover over the events section and click the pencil icon.
  3. Switch the Show past events toggle on. This makes past events visible on all events pages on your site. If you use the Side Tag date style, date tags for past events appear crossed out.
  4. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or click Exit and then Save to close the editor.
  1. Open an events page and ensure it's set to List view.
  2. Open the Site styles panel.
  3. In the Events section, check or uncheck Show past events. If you have Show Date Tag checked, date tags for past events appear crossed out.
  4. Click Save to apply your changes.

In Calendar view, past events always appear. Past events display in the same style as upcoming events.

The discontinued Marquee family can't show past events.

Manage events

In the Events panel, events are organized into Upcoming events and Past events tabs.

To edit an event, click the event in the side panel, then hover over the preview and click Edit. To delete an event, hover over it in the side panel and click ..., then click Delete.

In the Events panel, events are organized into Upcoming events and Past events tabs.

To edit an event, hover over the event and click ..., then click Settings. To delete an event, hover over the event and click ..., then click Delete.

To display links that visitors can use to add your events to their Google Calendar and iCloud Calendar:

  1. Click Edit in the top-left corner of the main events page. The option isn't available on pages for individual events.
  2. Hover over the events section and click the pencil icon.
  3. Switch the Show export links toggle on.
  4. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or click Exit and then Save to close the editor.
  1. Open an events page.
  2. Open the Site styles panel.
  3. In the Events section, check Show export links.
  4. Click Save to apply your changes.

Watch a video

This video applies to version 7.0.

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