Searching and adding stock images

Find stock images for your site using our Unsplash and Getty Images integrations.

Last updated August 28, 2024

This guide walks you through how to search, preview, and license stock images for your site using our integrations with Unsplash and Getty Images.

Our partnership with these services helps you find and use high-quality, affordable images. You can also always upload your own images.

Where can I add stock images?

You can search and add stock images in most places where images are supported on your site.

Stock images aren't available for:

How you get to image search depends on which version of Squarespace your site is on.

To find image search:

  • Image blocks - Click the icon in the image uploader, then click Browse stock images.
  • Gallery section images - Click the + icon in the gallery section editor, then click Search Images.
  • Banner/background images - Click the Background tab in a section editor, then click the + icon and select Browse Stock Images.
  • Mobile fallback images - Click Search Images in the image uploader.
  • Gallery blocks - Click the + icon in the bottom-right corner of the gallery block editor, then click Search Images.

To find image search:

  • Image blocks - Click the icon in the image uploader, then click Browse stock images.
  • Gallery blocks - Click the+icon in the bottom-right corner of the gallery block editor, then click Search Images.

  • Gallery page images - Click the + icon in the side panel, then click Search Images.
  • Page featured, banner, and mobile fallback images - Click Search For Images in the image uploader.
  • Cover pages - Click Media, click inside the image uploader, then choose Search Images.
  • Background images - Click the Site Background Image icon in Site styles, then click Search For Image.

Search and choose images

In the image search window, choose a tab to find images you want to add to your site. The tabs include:

  • My Library - Images or videos you upload to your site. Sort and search by file name. Free and premium images added to your site also appear in this tab.
  • Free Images - Free stock images from Unsplash. Search images by keyword.
  • Premium Images - Paid, licensed stock images from Getty Images. You can filter, search by keyword, and sort images.

To find images, enter a keyword in the Search field and press Enter. Scroll to view more images.



Filter and sort search results

To narrow your search, you can filter or sort your images. How you narrow your search depends on which tab you're using to view images.

In My Library, you can view images in a grid or list layout. The image file name appears below your images. You can search images by file name in both layouts, but sorting depends on the layout you choose:

  • Grid layout: Sort by Newest, Oldest, Name A-Z, and Name Z-A.
  • List layout: Sort by Name, File Type, and Date Added.

To view image details, hover over the image and click the three dots. Your image details include:

  • File Name - The file name of your image. Change the file name for images in the Asset library. For image blocks, you can change the file name in the block editor after you add the block to your page, but this only changes the file name in the individual block, not in your library.
  • Type - For example, .jpg, .png, or .gif.
  • Added - The date you uploaded the image.
  • Dimensions - Your image’s width and height, measured in pixels.
  • Size - Your image's file size, measured in kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB).

In Free Images, it's not possible to filter or sort images.

For best results, keep your search keywords specific.

In Premium Images, you can sort or click the filter icon to apply filters and refine your search. Choose from the following:

  • Sort - Most Popular, Best Match, Newest
  • Image Family - Creative, Editorial
  • Image Style - Abstract, Close Up, Copy Space, Minimal, Plain Background, Portrait, Still Life, Wallpaper
  • Orientations - Horizontal, Vertical, Square, Panoramic Horizontal, Panoramic Vertical

After selecting your filters, click Apply to view the results. To clear filters you chose, click Reset, then click Apply.

If an image feels out of place, it's because it has a relevant tag in Getty's system. Getty's image tags can help filter results, but they aren't always a perfect match for every search.

Add or preview images

After you find an image you want to use, add it to your site. The steps to do this vary depending on the tab you're adding images from.

To add your images:

  1. In the My Library tab, view your images in the grid or list layout.
  2. Select your images, then click Add.



To add free images:

  1. In the Free Images tab, click the image to view it in the image search window.
  2. Review the details about the image that appear, or click the artist's name to see the original image and download it from Unsplash. It’s not possible to access the image details after you add the image to your site.
  3. Click Add Image. By adding the image, you agree to Unsplash’s Terms.

After adding free images, you can use them on your site or related Squarespace services. To learn more, visit Reusing images.



To preview and add premium images:

  1. In the Premium Images tab, click the image to view it in the image search window. You’ll find the price, image title, and author name.
  2. Click Preview On Site to add the image to your site. This adds a watermarked, low-resolution, preview version of the image.
  3. Consider how the image looks in the context of your content and design. You can't edit the image or remove the watermark until you license the image. To learn more about licensing details for premium images, visit Getty Images and Squarespace.


If you keep a watermarked image on your site without licensing it, a banner appears on your site with this message: "This page is using preview images from Getty Images. Please purchase them to remove the watermark." The banner appears to visitors on every page of your site. After a period of time, you may receive a takedown notice and/or the image may be automatically taken down.


While you’re previewing a Getty Image in an image block, you can add text, like a title and description. These changes won't be saved when you exit the preview, even if you license the image.

After adding your image, you can edit it using our built-in image editor.

License Getty Images

When you’re ready to remove the watermark and add the high-resolution version of a Getty Image, you can license it.

To license Getty Images:

  1. Go to the image uploader, click the image, and choose License or Purchase License. In some cases, you can hover over the image and click the shopping cart icon.
  2. Enter your payment information, then click Save and Continue.
  3. Review your order details, then click Confirm and Purchase. By licensing the image, you agree to our Image Terms.

After licensing the image, you can edit the image using our built-in image editor or reuse it across your site.


If the watermark appears after licensing the image, save all changes and refresh the page.

Delete stock images

If you no longer need a stock image, you can remove it from where it displays on a page or delete it from your Asset library.

To delete a stock image and keep it in your Asset library:

  1. Find the image you want to remove and open its editor:
  2. Click the trash can or Remove Image. If the image is in an image block, you can also delete the block.

When you delete an image from where it displays on a page, we keep the image in your Asset library for reuse. To completely delete a stock image:

  1. Open the Assets panel.
  2. Select the image(s) you'd like to delete and click the trash can icon.

Keep in mind:

  • If you delete Unsplash images from your Asset library, you’ll need to search in the Free tab to use the image again.
  • If you delete licensed Getty Images from your Asset library, your purchased images still appear in the Premium tab. To reuse licensed Getty images, find the image and click Add. It's not possible to completely remove them.
  • We don't offer refunds for Getty Images purchases.

Removing a Getty Image you're previewing cancels the preview and permanently deletes it. While we can’t guarantee the image is available in the future, you can try adding the image again by using the same search term in the image search window.

What happens to stock images if I move to a new site?

Even if you leave Squarespace, you can take your saved stock images with you to another site. The rights are different for free Unsplash images and premium Getty Images:

  • Free Images - You can download, copy, modify, and distribute any of Unsplash's images for free, across multiple sites and platforms. To learn more, visit Reusing images.
  • Premium Images - You may only use your licensed images on one site at a time. You can reuse them on another site or service only if your Squarespace site is no longer published and you’ve completely moved to another site or service. To reuse your images, download them from your live site and upload them to the new site. You may only use licensed images in connection with one Squarespace site at a time. Visit the Image Terms for more details.
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Searching and adding stock images