Getty Images and Squarespace

Important information about how to use Getty stock images on your site.

Last updated August 8, 2024

With our partnership with Getty Images, you can license editorial and stock photography to use on your site.


You can add free stock images with our Unsplash integration.

How it works

To use Getty Images on your site:

  1. Search - Search Getty Images almost anywhere you can add an image in Squarespace.
  2. Preview - Preview images on your site until you find one you like.
  3. License - Pay for the image and receive a high-resolution, watermark-free version.
  4. Reuse - Reuse any added Getty Image in other places on your site, as many times as you need.

For more detailed steps, visit these guides:

Pricing and billing

Refund policy

Getty Image purchases are non-refundable.

Before licensing an image, we highly recommend previewing it to confirm you like how it looks. Previews are risk-free, and you can preview multiple images for as long as you want.

To learn more about refunds, visit Refund policies.

Licensing details

Please license any Getty Images that you use publicly, including images that you share to social networks or set as a page featured image. The watermarked preview images are there for you to get a feel for how an image would look on your site. Until you license the image, the preview will be low-resolution.


This information is solely provided as a summary for your convenience. To read the full set of legal terms relating to licensing Getty images on Squarespace, visit Image Terms.

  • You'll license images directly through your Squarespace account.
  • When the license is purchased, you’ll have a high-resolution version to keep and use anywhere on your Squarespace site and with related Squarespace services, like Email Campaigns.
  • Licensed images are site-specific. To use a licensed image on different sites, you need to purchase a new license for each Squarespace site in connection with which you want to use the image. For example, if you want the same image used on or in connection with three different Squarespace sites, you need to purchase three licenses total.
  • If you decide to move to a new site, either on Squarespace or another service, you can download your images and take them with you as long as the original site for which you licensed the images is no longer published. Visit Searching and adding stock images for more licensing details.

If you keep a watermarked image without licensing it, your live site will have a banner stating "This page is using preview images from Getty Images. Please purchase them to remove the banner." This banner will appear on all pages of your site.

After a while, you may receive a takedown notice, or the image may be automatically removed from your site.

Am I eligible?

  • To license Getty Images to your site, you must have an active, paid Squarespace website.
  • During your trial, you can only preview images.
  • Admins, Website Editors, and Store Managers can license Getty Images. To allow these contributors to make Getty purchases, check Allow Non-Admins to Purchase Assets for each contributor in the Permissions & Ownership panel. To restrict licensing to Admins only, uncheck this setting.
  • If your site's billing is linked to Squarespace 5, you'll need to unlink billing to use Getty Images.


A banner says I'm previewing a Getty Image, but I can't see a watermarked image

To find the image, first check if you see the banner on a single page or the entire site.

All pages

If the banner displays on all pages:

  • Check site-wide elements, such as the footer or header.
  • If your template supports site-wide background images, check that the background image isn't watermarked. If the tweak is blank, upload an image, then save the changes. Delete the images, then save again and refresh the page.

One page

If the banner only displays on one page, the image is on that page, but may not be visible.

To find the watermarked image on that page:

  • Open page settings, then check the Media tab. For an Index, ensure you check the index page's settings as well as the settings for every sub-page.
  • If any content areas on your site are hidden, such as sidebars, page headers, page footers, or intro areas, use your style settings to display them.
  • Check any other elements that may have images, such as item featured images, summary blocks, and gallery blocks.

Which contributors can purchase Getty Images?

By default, Site Owners, Admins, Website Editors, and Store Managers can license images. You can prevent Website Editors and Store Managers from purchasing images by unchecking Allow Non-Admins to Purchase Assets in the Permissions & Ownership panel.

If I edited an image and want to start over, do I have to license it again?

No. You can delete the image or remove the block, and follow these steps to re-add the image for free.

I can’t license the image

If you see an error message when trying to license an image, it means that your site is a trial. You'll need to upgrade to paid service to license Getty Images.

I found an image directly on Getty Images, but I can't find it through Squarespace. Can I still license it?

Getty offers more images that aren't available through our integration. For convenience, we recommend choosing a similar image through our integration.

To license an image from Getty that isn't available through our integration, feel free to purchase the image license directly and then upload it to your site. Ensure you follow the rules of its license.

What happens if an artist removes their image from Getty Images?

Artists own the images they submit, and they might request to have them removed from the library.

If Getty Images removes an image you’ve already licensed, you can keep using it on its current site. However, you can't license it on other sites. If you’re previewing an image that Getty Images removes, it will disappear from your site.

Terms of Service

Before using Getty Images, review our Image Terms.

Footer Image
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