Moving a Squarespace domain between Squarespace sites

Move your Squarespace domain between different Squarespace sites.

Last updated March 10, 2025

You can move your Squarespace domain from one Squarespace site to another. After you move the domain, the domain will share its billing and permission settings with the website it moved to.

If your domain isn't currently attached to a website, you can connect the domain instead, which keeps the domain's billing separate from the website.

After moving your domain, you can move your Google Workspace subscription.


To link your domain to your website, but keep the billing and permission settings of the domain and website separate from each other, you can connect your domain instead. It’s also possible to move your domain to another place besides a different Squarespace site.

If you have a third-party domain, or want to learn about the other options for moving your domain, Choosing the right option for moving your domain.

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Before you begin


Before you move your domain, ensure that your domain meets these requirements:

Ineligible moves

Move a domain between sites

To move your domain between Squarespace sites:

  1. Open your domains dashboard.
  2. Click your domain.
  3. Scroll down to click Move domain.
  4. Select the thumbnail image of the website you're moving the domain to.
  5. If everything looks correct, click Confirm to complete the move.

Your domain should direct to the new site within 24-72 hours. After moving your domain, you can cancel service or change the billing plan for your other site, if needed.


  • If you see a "There are no eligible sites to transfer a domain to on this account" message after clicking Move domain, you don’t have another eligible site on your account. Review the sites in your account dashboard, or switch from a Mobile Start plan to a standard plan, if needed, before moving the domain.
  • If the site isn't in your dashboard, request to be added to the site as a contributor with Administrator permissions.
  • If a "Your domain can’t be moved because of an issue on our end” error message appears, check the email associated with your site. You'll receive more information and next steps in an email from with the subject "Error moving your domain." If you can't find this email, contact Customer Support and include the information in the More help section.

Move your Google Workspace subscription

If you’re moving a Squarespace domain, your Google Workspace subscription should move over to the new site automatically. To ensure this happens smoothly, confirm that your Google Workspace account is active. If the account is suspended, you can go through all the steps to move your domain, but neither the domain nor the Google Workspace account will actually move.

How moving domains affects free domains

Free domains follow the same guidelines as a normal paid domain. Keep in mind:

  • If the site you're moving your free domain to is on a monthly plan or already has a free domain, we’ll create a $0 invoice for the domain on its new site.
  • If you move a paid domain to a new site with an annual plan, we won't adjust your balance for the domain you already purchased, but you can register a new Squarespace domain for free.

To learn more about moving a free legacy domain, visit Squarespace domain renewals and expiration.

More help

If you’re having trouble with any of these steps, contact us using the email address listed as the Owner Contact for the domain, and include the following information:

  • Current Squarespace site URL (like
  • Squarespace site URL of the site you're moving the domain to
  • Custom domain name
  • How much of the process you’ve completed

After we confirm your information, we'll help you complete the process.

You can also get advice from the community in the Squarespace Forum or hire a Squarespace Expert to move your domain for you.

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Moving a Squarespace domain between Squarespace sites