Importing products from a .csv

Add or edit products in bulk with the .csv importer.

Last updated January 22, 2025

To add or edit products in bulk, you'll need to complete and import a product .csv file. The product .csv file formatting requirements depend on your goals and which version of Squarespace your site is on. This guide covers the steps and requirements for:

You can import up to 10,000 products to a version 7.1 site, and up to 200 products to a version 7.0 site. In both versions, you can import up to 250 variants per product.

No matter your use case, this is a one-time import. Any updates to your original store or product .csv file won't automatically sync after the import.

Accessing this feature

Importing products is available in Basic, Core, Plus, Advanced, Business, Commerce Basic, and Commerce Advanced plans. To learn more, visit Choosing the right Squarespace plan

Download the product .csv file

The product .csv file you'll need depends on what your goal is:

  • Moving products between Squarespace sites - In the original site's Products panel, click Export all.
  • Bulk-editing products - In the Products panel, click Export all
  • Importing products from Shopify, Etsy, or BigCartel - You don't need to complete a product .csv file to import from these platforms. Instead, use our platform-specific options.
  • Importing products from a different platform or creating new products - In your Squarespace Products panel, click Import, then click Download CSV template.

After you download the product .csv file, open it in a spreadsheet editor like Excel or Google Sheets.

How products appear in the product .csv file

The product .csv file organizes product information in a way that's recognizable to your Squarespace site. It's important to maintain this structure, even if you edit the values in the cells.

In the image below:

  • Row 2 is a single product with no variants. Because there are no variants (extra options, like size or flavor), the Option cells in this row are empty.
  • Rows 3-8 are a single product with multiple variants. Each row has a different combination of options, which customers select from drop-down menus on the product details page. Customers can select Beets, Caperberries, or Kimchi in Small or Large.
  • For the Pickled Things product, Row 3 is the First product row, and rows 4-8 are the Option rows. We use these terms throughout the guide.



Move products between Squarespace sites

To move products from one Squarespace site to another:

  1. Export a product .csv file from the existing Squarespace site and open it in a spreadsheet editor like Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel.
  2. Ensure the cells beneath Product ID and Variant ID are blank.
  3. Ensure you've created a store on the receiving site and that the Product Page slug matches its URL slug. If not, update the spreadsheet or edit the store's URL slug.
  4. (Version 7.1 only) Ensure the Categories match existing categories and subcategories on the receiving store. If not, add the product categories to the store.
  5. If you edit product details, follow the formatting requirements in the table below.
  6. Import the file to the receiving Squarespace site.

You can edit some of the product details in the file before importing it, but you don't have to. How you format the .csv file depends on which version of Squarespace the receiving site uses.

If you edit product details before importing the .csv file, follow these formatting requirements.

Column Formatting requirements
Product ID
  • If there are existing values, remove them.
Variant ID
  • If there are existing values, remove them.
Product Type
  • Required
  • Don't edit existing values in this column.
  • If a row in this column is blank, leave it blank.
Product Page
  • Required
  • The store page URL slug where the product will import, without the /.
  • The receiving site must have an identical store page URL slug before you import.
  • Adding a non-existent URL slug will cause the import to fail.
Product URL
  • Required
  • The URL slug the product will have on your site, without the /. This creates a direct URL to the product details page.
  • Between 3 and 200 characters.
  • Separate words with dashes (-).
  • Don’t include spaces or special characters other than dashes.
  • Capital letters will automatically become lowercase on your site.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the product URL to the first product row.
  • Example: v-neck-t-shirt
  • Tip: Products in version 7.1 have a /p/ preceding the URL slug. If you're moving from version 7.0 and relying on links to products, you may want to set up URL redirects after the import.
  • Required
  • Up to 200 characters.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the title to the first product row.
  • Example: V-Neck T-Shirt
  • Optional
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the description to the first product row.
  • Example: Made of our softest blend of cotton.
  • Optional
  • Up to 20 characters per SKU.
  • If this row is blank, Squarespace will automatically generate SKUs for each product/variant.
  • Example: SQ3579
Option names 1-3
  • Optional
  • Text in these fields represent the label for a drop-down menu on the product details page.
  • Each pair of Option Name # and Option Value # creates a variant.
  • Add a new row for every possible combination of options in the product. For more help, visit Adding product variants.
  • Example: Color
Option values 1-3
  • Optional
  • Text in these fields represent the options inside of a drop-down menu on the product details page.
  • Each pair of Option Name # and Option Value # creates a variant.
  • Example: Blue
  • Optional
  • The price of the product or variant.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • The price field only supports two decimal places, so round values to the nearest hundredth.
  • Example: enter 10.513 as 10.51.
Sale Price
  • Optional
  • If the product is on sale, this is its sale price.
  • Only enter a sale price if the sale status is set as Yes (next column).
  • Leave this field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • Sale price must be lower than the listed price.
  • Example: 7 or 7.50
On Sale
  • Optional
  • The product or variant’s sale status. Enter Yes if the product or variant should display a sale price. Enter No if the product isn't on sale.
  • If the status is Yes, the product will display a Sale label, the sale price, and the original price with a strikethrough. Here's an example.
  • Leave the field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Optional
  • The number of products or variants in stock. Enter unlimited for items with unlimited stock.
  • Example: 35
  • Required
  • These must match existing categories on the receiving site. 
  • Enter the URL slug from the filtered category or subcategory page, including the /
  • Lowercase only.
  • To add multiple, separate by commas.
  • Up to 25 characters per category.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add categories to the first product row.
  • Category example: /clothing
  • Subcategory example: /clothing/blouses
  • Optional
  • Up to 80 characters per tag.
  • Separate tags by commas.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add tags to the first product row.
  • Example: organic, soft
Weight, length, width, height
  • Optional
  • Enter numbers (up to 10,000) and decimal points (.) only. After the import, dimensions will match your store’s measurement standard.
  • Example: 5 or 5.5
  • Required
  • Enter Yes to make the product visible after importing or No to keep it hidden.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the visibility status to the first product row.
Hosted Image URLs
  • Optional
  • Supports web-hosted product image link(s). Paste the image’s full URL. Ensure the URL leads directly to the image, not a page that includes the image. Ensure the URL ends in an image file extension—like .jpg, .gif, or .png—instead of .com or .html.
  • Separate multiple images with spaces or line breaks. (Google Sheets: Alt+Enter or Excel: Ctrl+Alt+Enter).
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add image URLs to the first product row. It's not possible to assign variant images in the upload file, but you can add them manually later.
  • It’s not possible to upload images from your hard drive into this .csv.
  • After importing, Squarespace becomes the host for these image files. Changing or deleting the hosted image URLs won't affect your images.

If you edit product details before importing the .csv file, follow these formatting requirements.


Formatting requirements
Product ID
  • If there are existing values, remove them.
Variant ID
  • If there are existing values, remove them.
Product Type
  • Required
  • Don't edit existing values in this column.
  • If a row in this column is blank, leave it blank.
Product Page
  • Optional
  • The store page URL slug where the product will import, without the /.
  • You can delete values in this field to create a new, disabled, not-linked store page on the receiving site. Move and enable the page after the import.
  • If there is a URL slug in this field, it must match an existing store page slug on the receiving site.
Product URL
  • Required
  • The URL slug the product will have on your site, without the /. This creates a direct URL to the product details page.
  • Between 3 and 200 characters.
  • Separate words with dashes (-).
  • Don’t include spaces or special characters other than dashes.
  • Capital letters will automatically become lowercase on your site.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the product URL to the first product row.
  • Example: v-neck-t-shirt
  • Required
  • Up to 200 characters.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the title to the first product row.
  • Example: V-Neck T-Shirt
  • Optional
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the description to the first product row.
  • Example: Made of our softest blend of cotton
  • Optional
  • Up to 20 characters per SKU.
  • If this row is blank, Squarespace will automatically generate SKUs for each product/variant.
  • Example: SQ3579
Option names 1-3
  • Optional
  • Text in these fields represent the label for a drop-down menu on the product details page.
  • Each pair of Option Name # and Option Value # creates a variant.
  • Add a new row for every possible combination of options in the product. For more help, visit Adding product variants.
  • Example: Color
Option values 1-3
  • Optional 
  • Text in these fields represent the options inside of a drop-down menu on the product details page.
  • Each pair of Option Name # and Option Value # creates a variant.
  • Example: Blue
  • Optional
  • The price of the product or variant.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • The price field only supports two decimal places, so round values to the nearest hundredth.
  • Example: enter 10.513 as 10.51.
Sale Price
  • Optional
  • If the product is on sale, this is its sale price.
  • Only enter a sale price if the sale status is set as Yes (next column).
  • Leave this field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • Sale price must be lower than the listed price.
  • Example: 7 or 7.50
On Sale
  • Optional
  • The product or variant’s sale status. Enter Yes if the product or variant should display a sale price. Enter No if the product isn't on sale.
  • If the status is Yes, the product will display a Sale label, the sale price, and the original price with a strikethrough. Here's an example.
  • Leave the field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Optional
  • The number of products or variants in stock. Enter unlimited for items with unlimited stock.
  • Example: 35
  • Optional
  • Lowercase only.
  • To add multiple, separate by commas.
  • Up to 25 characters per category.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add categories to the first product row.
  • Category example: /clothing
  • Subcategory example: /clothing/blouses
  • Optional
  • Up to 80 characters per tag.
  • Separate tags by commas.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add tags to the first product row.
  • Example: organic, soft
Weight, length, width, height
  • Optional
  • Enter numbers (up to 10,000) and decimal points (.) only. After the import, dimensions will match your store’s measurement standard.
  • Example: 5 or 5.5
  • Required
  • Enter Yes to make the product visible after importing or No to keep it hidden.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the visibility status to the first product row.
Hosted Image URLs
  • Optional
  • Supports web-hosted product image link(s). Paste the image’s full URL. Ensure the URL leads directly to the image, not a page that includes the image. Ensure the URL ends in an image file extension—like .jpg, .gif, or .png—instead of .com or .html.
  • Separate multiple images with spaces or line breaks. (Google Sheets: Alt+Enter or Excel: Ctrl+Alt+Enter).
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the image URLs to the first product row. It's not possible to assign variant images in the upload file, but you can add them manually later.
  • It’s not possible to upload images from your hard drive into this .csv.
  • After importing, Squarespace becomes the host for these image files. Changing or deleting the hosted image URLs won't affect your images.

Edit products in bulk

After you export your products to a .csv file, you can edit some of the product details and import the file to the same site. This will update the existing products on your site in bulk.

It's not possible to edit these details in the product .csv file: 

  • Product ID
  • Variant ID
  • Product type
  • Product page
  • Hosted image URLs

How you format the .csv file depends on which version of Squarespace your site uses.

The Product Page and Categories cell values must match the Store page's URL slug and existing categories and subcategories on your site. If you edit these in the spreadsheet, you'll need to edit your URL slug or create new categories to match them.

As you edit product details, follow these formatting requirements.

Column Formatting requirements
Product ID
  • Don't edit existing values in this column.
Variant ID
  • Don't edit existing values in this column.
Product Type
  • Don't edit existing values in this column.
Product Page
  • Required
  • The store page URL slug where the product will import, without the /.
  • Must match an existing store page URL slug.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the product page URL slug to the first product row.
Product URL
  • Required
  • The URL slug the product will have on your site, without the /. This creates a direct URL to the product details page.
  • Between 3 and 200 characters.
  • Separate words with dashes (-).
  • Don’t include spaces or special characters other than dashes.
  • Capital letters will automatically become lowercase on your site.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the product URL to the first product row.
  • Example: v-neck-t-shirt
  • Required
  • Up to 200 characters.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the title to the first product row
  • Example: V-Neck T-Shirt
  • Optional
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the description to the first product row.
  • Example: Made of our softest blend of cotton.
  • Optional
  • Up to 20 characters per SKU.
  • If blank, Squarespace will automatically generate SKUs for each product/variant.
  • Example: SQ3579
Option Names 1-3
  • Optional
  • The names of the drop-down menus on a product details page.
  • Each pair of Option Name # and Option Value # creates a variant.
  • Add a new row for every possible combination of options in the product.
  • Example: Color
Option Values 1-3
  • Optional
  • The names of the options inside a drop-down menu on the product details page.
  • Example: Blue
  • Optional
  • The price of the product or variant.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • The price field only supports two decimal places, so round values to the nearest hundredth.
  • Example: enter 10.513 as 10.51.
Sale Price
  • Optional
  • If the product is on sale, this is its sale price.
  • Only enter a sale price if the sale status is set as Yes (next column).
  • Leave this field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • Sale price must be lower than the listed price.
  • Example: 7 or 7.50
On Sale
  • Optional
  • The product or variant’s sale status. Enter Yes if the product or variant should display a sale price. Enter No if the product isn't on sale.
  • If the status is Yes, the product will display a Sale label, the sale price, and the original price with a strikethrough. Here's an example.
  • Leave the field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Optional 
  • The number of products or variants in stock. Enter unlimited for items with unlimited stock.
  • Example: 35
  • Required
  • Ensure these match existing categories.
  • Enter the URL slug from the filtered category or subcategory page, including the /
  • Lowercase only.
  • To add multiple, separate by commas.
  • Up to 25 characters per category.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add categories to the first product row.
  • Category example: /clothing
  • Subcategory example: /clothing/blouses
  • Optional
  • Up to 80 characters per tag.
  • Separate tags by commas.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add tags to the first product row.
  • Example: organic, soft
Weight, Length, Width, Height
  • Optional
  • Enter numbers (up to 10,000) and decimal points (.) only. After the import, dimensions will match your store’s measurement standard.
  • Required
  • Enter Yes to make the product visible after importing or No to keep it hidden.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the visibility status to the first product row.
Hosted Image URL
  • Not editable when bulk-editing products.

The Product Page must match the Store page's URL slug on your site. If you edit this in the spreadsheet, you'll need to edit your URL slug to match. As you edit product details, follow these formatting requirements.

Column Formatting requirements
Product ID
  • Don't edit existing values in this column.
Variant ID
  • Don't edit existing values in this column.
Product Type
  • Don't edit existing values in this column.
Product Page
  • Optional
  • The store page URL slug where the product will import, without the /.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only the first product row will have a product page URL slug.
  • If you remove existing values, the import will create a new not-linked store page.
  • If you edit existing values, you must also edit the store page slug in the receiving site to match.
Product URL
  • Required
  • The URL slug the product will have on your site, without the /. This creates a direct URL to the product details page.
  • Between 3 and 200 characters.
  • Separate words with dashes (-).
  • Don’t include spaces or special characters other than dashes.
  • Capital letters will automatically become lowercase on your site.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the product URL to the first product row.
  • Example: v-neck-t-shirt
  • Required
  • Up to 200 characters.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the title to the first product row.
  • Example: V-Neck T-Shirt
  • Optional
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the description to the first product row.
  • Example: Made of our softest blend of cotton.
  • Optional
  • Up to 20 characters per SKU.
  • If blank, Squarespace will automatically generate SKUs for each product/variant.
  • Example: SQ3579
Option Names 1-3
  • Optional
  • The names of the drop-down menus on a product details page.
  • Each pair of Option Name # and Option Value # creates a variant.
  • Add a new row for every possible combination of options in the product.
  • Example: Color
Option Values 1-3
  • Optional
  • The names of the options inside a drop-down menu on the product details page.
  • Example: Blue
  • Optional
  • The price of the product or variant.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • The price field only supports two decimal places, so round values to the nearest hundredth.
  • Example: enter 10.513 as 10.51.
Sale Price
  • Optional
  • If the product is on sale, this is its sale price.
  • Only enter a sale price if the sale status is set as Yes (next column).
  • Leave this field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • Sale price must be lower than the listed price.
  • Example: 7 or 7.50
On Sale
  • Optional
  • The product or variant’s sale status. Enter Yes if the product or variant should display a sale price. Enter No if the product isn't on sale.
  • If the status is Yes, the product will display a Sale label, the sale price, and the original price with a strikethrough. Here's an example.
  • Leave the field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Optional 
  • The number of products or variants in stock. Enter unlimited for items with unlimited stock.
  • Example: 35
  • Optional
  • Enter the URL slug from the filtered category or subcategory page, including the /
  • Lowercase only.
  • To add multiple, separate by commas.
  • Up to 25 characters per category.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add categories to the first product row.
  • Category example: /clothing
  • Subcategory example: /clothing/blouses
  • Optional
  • Up to 80 characters per tag.
  • Separate tags by commas.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add tags to the first product row.
  • Example: organic, soft
Weight, Length, Width, Height
  • Optional
  • Enter numbers (up to 10,000) and decimal points (.) only. After the import, dimensions will match your store’s measurement standard.
  • Required
  • Enter Yes to make the product visible after importing or No to keep it hidden.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the visibility status to the first product row.
Hosted Image URL
  • Not editable when bulk-editing products.

Import products from a different platform

You can import physical and service products to Squarespace from a different platform, or as a way of creating new products. 

If you're importing from:

  • Big Cartel, Etsy, or Shopify - Use our platform-specific options instead.
  • Other platforms - Download the product .csv template, then replace all existing values below the header row with your own product details, following the table below. If you're using Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge, clicking the link automatically downloads the .csv. If you're using Safari, right-click the link and select Download Linked File.

Complete the product import .csv file to import from other services or to create new products in your store. How you format the .csv file depends on which version of Squarespace the receiving site is on.

Ensure you've created a store on your Squarespace site, and that its URL and categories match the Product Page and Category columns in the .csv. If not, edit your URL slug and create new categories on your site to match them.

As you complete the product .csv template, follow these formatting requirements.

Column Formatting requirements
Product ID
  • Leave this column blank.
Variant ID
  • Leave this column blank.
Product Type
  • Required
  • Enter Physical or Service. To learn more about product types in Squarespace, visit Adding products to your store.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the product type to the first product row.
Product Page
  • Required
  • The store page URL slug where the product will import, without the /.
  • Ensure the store page on the receiving site matches this URL slug in this cell. You may need to add a store page and edit its URL slug to do this.
  • Learn how to find a URL slug.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the product page URL slug to the first product row.
Product URL
  • Required
  • The URL slug the product will have on your site, without the /. This creates a direct URL to the product details page.
  • Between 3 and 200 characters.
  • Separate words with dashes (-).
  • Don’t include spaces or special characters other than dashes.
  • Capital letters will automatically become lowercase on your site.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the product URL slug to the first product row.
  • Example: v-neck-t-shirt
  • Required
  • Up to 200 characters.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the title to the first product row.
  • Example: V-Neck T-Shirt
  • Optional
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the description to the first product row.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the title to the first product row.
  • Example: Made of our softest blend of cotton.
  • Optional
  • Up to 20 characters per SKU.
  • If you leave this blank, Squarespace will automatically generate SKUs for each product/variant.
  • Example: SQ3579
Option Names 1-3
  • Optional
  • The names of the drop-down menus on a product details page.
  • Each pair of Option Name # and Option Value # creates a variant
    Add a new row for every possible combination of options in the product.
    Example: Color
Option Values 1-3
  • Optional
  • The names of the options inside a drop-down menu on the product details page.
  • Example: Blue
  • Optional
  • The price of the product or variant.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • The price field only supports two decimal places, so round values to the nearest hundredth.
  • Example: enter 10.513 as 10.51
Sale Price
  • Optional
  • If the product is on sale, this is its sale price.
  • Only enter a sale price if the sale status is set as Yes (next column).
  • Leave this field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • Sale price must be lower than the listed price.
  • Example: 7 or 7.50
On Sale
  • Optional
  • The product or variant’s sale status. Enter Yes if the product or variant should display a sale price. Enter No if the product isn't on sale.
  • If the status is Yes, the product will display a Sale label, the sale price, and the original price with a strikethrough. Here's an example.
  • Leave the field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Optional
  • The number of products or variants in stock. Enter unlimited for items with unlimited stock.
  • Example: 35
  • Required
  • Ensure these match existing categories.
  • Enter the URL slug from the filtered category or subcategory page, including the /
  • Lowercase only.
  • To add multiple, separate by commas.
  • Up to 25 characters per category
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the categories to the first product row.
  • Learn how to find the URL slugs.
  • Category example: /clothing
  • Subcategory example: /clothing/blouses
  • Optional
  • Up to 80 characters per tag.
  • Separate tags by commas.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the tags to the first product row.
  • Example: organic, soft
Weight, Length, Width, Height
  • Optional
  • Enter numbers (up to 10,000) and decimal points (.) only. After the import, dimensions will match your store’s measurement standard.
  • Required
  • Enter Yes to make the product visible after importing or No to keep it hidden.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the visibility status to the first product row.
Hosted Image URL
  • Optional
  • Supports web-hosted product image link(s). Paste the image’s full URL. Ensure the URL leads directly to the image, not a page that includes the image. Ensure the URL ends in an image file extension—like .jpg, .gif, or .png—instead of .com or .html.
  • Separate multiple images with spaces or line breaks. (Google Sheets: Alt+Enter or Excel: Ctrl+Alt+Enter)
  • It’s not possible to upload images from your hard drive into this .csv.
  • After importing, Squarespace becomes the host for these image files. Changing or deleting the hosted image URLs won't affect your images.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the hosted image URLs to the first product row. It's not possible to assign variant images in the upload file, but you can add them manually later.

As you complete the product .csv template, follow these formatting requirements.

Column Formatting requirements
Product ID
  • Leave this column blank
Variant ID
  • Leave this column blank
Product Type
  • Required
  • Enter Physical or Service. To learn more about product types in Squarespace, visit Adding products to your store.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the product type to the first product row.
Product Page
  • Optional
  • Leave this blank to create a new, not-linked store page.
  • If you add a URL slug in this field, it must match an existing store page slug on the receiving site.
  • The store page URL slug where the product will import, without the /.
  • Learn how to find a URL slug.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the product page URL slug to the first product row.
Product URL
  • Required
  • The URL slug the product will have on your site, without the /. This creates a direct URL to the product details page.
  • Between 3 and 200 characters.
  • Separate words with dashes (-).
  • Don’t include spaces or special characters other than dashes.
  • Capital letters will automatically become lowercase on your site.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the product URL slug to the first product row.
  • Example: v-neck-t-shirt
  • Required
  • Up to 200 characters.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the title to the first product row.
  • Example: V-Neck T-Shirt
  • Optional
  • If the product has multiple options, like size and color, only add the description to the first product row.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the title to the first product row.
  • Example: Made of our softest blend of cotton.
  • Optional
  • Up to 20 characters per SKU.
  • If you leave this blank, Squarespace will automatically generate SKUs for each product/variant.
  • Example: SQ3579
Option Names 1-3
  • Optional
  • The names of the drop-down menus on a product details page
    Each pair of Option Name # and Option Value # creates a variant
    Add a new row for every possible combination of options in the product.
    Example: Color
Option Values 1-3
  • Optional
  • The names of the options inside a drop-down menu on the product details page
  • Example: Blue
  • Optional
  • The price of the product or variant.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • The price field only supports two decimal places, so round values to the nearest hundredth.
  • Example: enter 10.513 as 10.51.
Sale Price
  • Optional
  • If the product is on sale, this is its sale price.
  • Only enter a sale price if the sale status is set as Yes (next column).
  • Leave this field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Enter numbers and decimal points (.) only. After the import, prices will display in your store’s currency.
  • Sale price must be lower than the listed price.
  • Example: 7 or 7.50
On Sale
  • Optional
  • The product or variant’s sale status. Enter Yes if the product or variant should display a sale price. Enter No if the product isn't on sale.
  • If the status is Yes, the product will display a Sale label, the sale price, and the original price with a strikethrough. See an example.
  • Leave the field blank to only display the standard price.
  • Optional
  • The number of products or variants in stock. Enter unlimited for items with unlimited stock.
  • Example: 35
  • Optional
  • Enter the URL slug from the filtered category or subcategory page, including the /
  • Lowercase only
  • Up to 25 characters per category
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the categories to the first product row.
  • Category example: /clothing
  • Subcategory example: /clothing/blouses
  • Optional
  • Up to 80 characters per tag.
  • Separate tags by commas.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the tags to the first product row.
  • Example: organic, soft
Weight, Length, Width, Height
  • Optional
  • Enter numbers (up to 10,000) and decimal points (.) only. After the import, dimensions will match your store’s measurement standard.
  • Required
  • Enter Yes to make the product visible after importing or No to keep it hidden.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the visibility status to the first product row.
Hosted Image URL
  • Optional
  • Supports web-hosted product image link(s). Paste the image’s full URL. Ensure the URL leads directly to the image, not a page that includes the image. Ensure the URL ends in an image file extension—like .jpg, .gif, or .png—instead of .com or .html.
  • Separate multiple images with spaces or line breaks. (Google Sheets: Alt+Enter or Excel: Ctrl+Alt+Enter)
  • It’s not possible to upload images from your hard drive into this .csv.
  • After importing, Squarespace becomes the host for these image files. Changing or deleting the hosted image URLs won't affect your images.
  • If the product has multiple options, like size or color, only add the hosted image URLs to the first product row. It's not possible to assign variant images in the upload file, but you can add them manually later.

Import the .csv file

After you complete the product .csv file and prepare your site for the import, you're ready to import the file. 

  1. In the Products panel, click Import in the top-right corner.
  2. Drag and drop the completed .csv file into the Upload Squarespace CSV box.
  3. (Optional) To prevent the import from updating stock levels to the values in the spreadsheet, uncheck Update product quantities.
  4. Review the results and correct any errors by uploading the .csv file and re-importing it.
  5. Click Save.


  • You can only import physical and service products.
  • You can import up to 10,000 products to a version 7.1 site.
  • You can import up to 200 products to a version 7.0 site.
  • In both versions, you can import up to 250 variants per product.
  • You can’t import customers.
  • You can’t move customer subscriptions between Squarespace sites.
  • You can’t schedule products with an import. You can only publish or hide.
  • Imported products won't have a set featured image. You can set featured images manually.
  • Imported products won't have set variant images. You can add variant images manually.
  • Moving print-on-demand products between sites doesn't transfer your connection to the fulfillment service. You should follow the connection and product creation steps from the beginning on your new site.


I accidentally imported the sample products

If the products from the example rows in the .csv imported, you can delete them.

Error message: Product page not found

This means you imported products with a product page URL slug that didn't match an existing URL slug on the receiving site. To resolve this, update the spreadsheet or edit the store's URL slug.

Error message: Categories not assigned

This means you imported products with categories that don't already exist on your Squarespace site. To resolve this, add categories to your store and re-import products.

Error message: Missing column. Add product ID column.

This means the import spreadsheet is missing the product ID column, or there's an extra row at the top of the spreadsheet. To resolve this, ensure cell 1A reads Product ID [Non Editable], and that cell 2A contains a product ID.

Images aren't appearing after import

Images may not import if the beginning of the URL (the protocol) is incorrect. If the import fails try importing again using a different protocol, such as:

  • If the protocol was http://, try importing again using https://
  • If the protocol was https://, try importing again using http://
  • If the protocol was ftp://, try again using http:// or https://

I followed the guidelines but my import still fails

If the import fails, copy all the text in the .csv file, paste it into a new spreadsheet, and then upload the new .csv. This will resolve most issues.

If your import continues to fail, we recommend opening the .csv with a spreadsheet program to check for unsupported formatting. Common formatting problems include:

  • Bulleted lists
  • Hyperlinks
  • Nonstandard characters

Depending on their settings, some spreadsheet programs may not export .csv files correctly. For example, they may use semicolons to separate values instead of commas. If that's the case, contact your spreadsheet program's provider for help changing this setting.

If you don't see any formatting issues, ensure you're using the correct template.

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