Adding product variants

Offer multiple versions of the same product, like different sizes and colors.

Last updated February 16, 2025

Product variants are variations of a product with different attributes like size or color. Variants let customers choose between product options.

You can create variants for new and existing physical and service products. Each variant has its own SKU. It's not possible to add variants to download products. If a product has multiple variants with different prices, the store page displays "From [the lowest variant price]" in the price field.

For help adding products to your store, visit Adding products to your store. 

To encourage customers to add extra items to their order by displaying related or complementary items as an optional add-on, visit Selling add-on products

Add product options and variants

To add product options:

  1. Open the Pages panel, then click a store page.
  2. Double-click a product to open the product editor. For detailed steps, visit Editing a product
  3. In the product editor, under Inventory, scroll to Variants and click Add.
  4. The product needs at least one unique option, such as size, color, or style. To use one of the suggested options, click the Options drop-down menu and select an option. Or click Custom to rename the option. 
  5. Add option values, such as blue, green, or red in the Variants field. As you enter variants, preview the product drop-down menu on the right. Options need at least two variants. 
  6. To add a new option and variants, click Add option
  7. When you're finished, click Save to return to the product editor.
  8. Click Save again to save your changes.

If your option values have commas, paste the option value text into the editor. Typing a comma saves the text before it as a new value.

A product can have up to six options, and up to 250 variant combinations. Variants have a 100 character limit.

Back in the product editor, all variants combinations will display. Click Edit all to delete unavailable combinations and add specific product information to each variant.



You can add:

Image Click the upload icon to add a different image for each variant. Variant images are added to your product's additional images, and they display when customers select the variant on the product details page. Click the + icon to upload a new image, or click an image you've already uploaded. After selecting an image, click Apply.
SKU This is the inventory identifier for your product. Squarespace creates one automatically, but you can change it to a SKU that matches your inventory format. 
Units Define the number of units available with an option to set an Unlimited stock value.
Price Set the product's regular price.
Sale price Click the sale price field and switch the toggle on beside On sale. Enter the sale price. To end the sale, click the sale price field and switch the toggle off beside On sale

To edit product options, or add more variants to an option, click Manage options in the product editor.

To rename an option or variant while editing, hover over it, click the three dots to the right, then click Rename. When you're done renaming, click Apply.

After editing the product variants or options, click Save

To set a variant's weight and dimensions for carrier calculated or depending on weight shipping, click Back to return to the main product editor. Click Weight and dimensions, then click the variant you want to edit.

Accessing this feature

It's not possible to add new variants in the Android Squarespace app, but you can edit existing variants.

In the Inventory panel of the Commerce tab, tap a product to edit it. For detailed steps, visit Editing a product. To add product variants:

  1. In the product editor, tap Add variants.
  2. Enter the variant Type and Values. For example, if the variant type is color, its values might be black, white, or navy. Type is the title of the drop-down menu on the product details page, and the values display in the menu.
  3. Tap Apply

To add more variants, tap Add option beneath existing variants in the product editor.

To edit an existing variant:

  1. In the product editor, tap the variants. 
  2. Tap a variant.
  3. Tap any field to edit it. 
  4. Tap Save or .

You can define these options:

Price Set the price customers will pay for the product with an additional field for sale pricing.
On sale Switch the On sale toggle on and set the sale price.
Track stock Switch the Track stock toggle on and enter the number of units available. Switch the toggle off to set an unlimited stock value.
Quantity Enter the number of units available.
SKU This is the inventory identifier for your product. Squarespace creates one automatically, but you can change it to a SKU that matches your inventory format. 
Weight and dimensions Enter the product's weight and dimensions. This affects shipping prices if you use carrier calculated shipping. Service products don't have weight and dimensions.

Delete unavailable combinations

When you add product options and variants, the product composer creates unique product variants for all possible variant combinations. If you only offer some variant combinations, for example, if you offer a red shirt and a small shirt, but not a small red shirt, delete the unavailable combination in the variant editor:

  1. In the product composer, click Edit all beneath Variants
  2. Click the trash can icon beside the unavailable combination.
  3. Click Back, then click Save

The way unavailable combinations display depends on which version of Squarespace your site is on. In version 7.1, if you have two options, unavailable combinations don't appear in the drop-down menus on the product details page. If you have three or more options, unavailable combinations appear, but the add to cart button is disabled when customers select an unavailable combination. In version 7.0, all options display in the variant drop down menus. When a customer selects an unavailable combination, they’re notified that it’s unavailable and the add to cart button is greyed out. 

If you offer a product combination but it's currently out of stock, set the Unit to 0 instead of deleting the combination. This displays a Sold out label for the unavailable combination in the product's drop-down menus.

Style the variant display

If your product details page uses the simple layout, you can choose to display product variants as buttons or in a drop-down menu. To learn more, visit Styling store pages.

Rearrange product variants (Computer only)

To rearrange product variants: 

  1. In the product editor, scroll to the Variants section and click Edit all.
  2. Click Manage options
  3. Click and drag the options to rearrange them. 
  4. Click Save

To rearrange the option drop-down menus, hover over the option and click and drag the :: icon:



Delete a variant

To remove a variant, return to the product editor, click Edit All, then click the Trash can icon beside the variant you want to delete. 

Restore a deleted variant

To restore a deleted variant:

  • Click Undo at the bottom of the screen immediately after deleting.
  • If you have more than one option, a Deleted variants section may appear. In the Deleted variants section, click the + button next to the variant you want to restore.

Variant images don't restore, so you'll need to upload them again.

Accessing this feature

It's not possible to delete a variant in the Android Squarespace app.

To remove a variant, tap the variants in the product editor. Swipe left on the variant you want to delete, then tap Delete.


Each product can have 250 variant combinations, images, and SKUs, whether added through the product editor or the .csv importer.


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