Exporting products to a .csv

Download your products to make bulk edits or move them to a different site.

Last updated February 16, 2025

You can export your Squarespace Commerce products to a .csv file. With this editable .csv file, you can import your products to third-party services, save a copy for your records, bulk-edit your inventory, or import your products into another Squarespace site.

Before you begin

  • Third-party services may require different formatting. When uploading products to another service, edit your .csv file to fit their specific requirements.
  • The export .csv uses the same format as our import .csv, with an additional column for pages. The pages column isn't used when importing.  Download an example .csv file here.


  • This is a one-time export. Any updates to your original store or .csv won't automatically sync to Squarespace after the export.
  • You can only export physical and service products. You can’t export download products.
  • Customer reviews don't export.
  • You can only export three variant options per product (e.g., color, size, material). Additional variant options won’t appear in the .csv file.
  • Additional product information, featured images, and variant images don't export. 
  • You can export up to 10,000 products. Each variant counts as a unique product. Products beyond this limit won’t appear in the .csv file.

Export your products

To export product

  1. Open the Products & Services panel and click Products
  2. Click Export all.

To export specific products, click the products in the Products Panel, then click Export selected in the bottom-right corner. 

Re-importing your products

After exporting your products, you can import the .csv file to the same site or a different one. You may want to re-import the .csv file to bulk-edit products or move them between sites.

  • In version 7.1, you can import up to 10,000 products
  • In version 7.0, you can import up to 200 products per store page
  • In both versions, products can have up to 100 variants

The way to format the .csv file depends on your goal, and the version of the site you're uploading products to. To learn how to format the file based on these factors, visit Importing products from a .csv.


If you sell print-on-demand products, moving products between sites doesn't transfer your connection to the fulfillment service. You should start the connection and product creation steps from the beginning on your new site.

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