The Pages panel

An overview of the panel where you add new pages and organize your navigation.

Last updated March 5, 2025

The Pages panel is where you create the structure of your site and its navigation by adding and arranging pages. It's also where you'll customize built-in system pages and other tools to enhance your website.

The Pages panel is organized into these sections:

The bottom of the Pages panel displays your site's version and template, if applicable.

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Pages panel basics

To open the Pages panel:

Open the Pages panel, or click Website, then Pages in your Home menu.

The Pages panel opens on the left side of your screen. Use this panel to:


  • When you first create your site, the Pages panel is populated with demo pages.
  • Each line displays a page's title and an icon representing its page type.
  • Pages appear in your site's navigation in the order they're placed in the Pages panel.
  • A house icon appears to the left of your homepage.
  • To create dropdown menus, add dropdowns.
  • To change the style of your navigation menus, like fonts, colors, and spacing, use site styles.
  • If your site is on version 7.1, click the arrow beside the section title to collapse the section. To expand the section, click the arrow again.

Tap More, then tap Pages.

The Pages panel shows all pages on your site. Use this panel to:


  • Each line displays a page's title and an icon representing its page type.
  • Pages appear in your site's navigation in the order they're placed in the pages panel.
  • A house icon appears to the right of your homepage.

Main navigation

Main navigation (sometimes called primary navigation or top navigation) is the main menu of your site. On most sites, main navigation appears at the top of every page and has links to your most important pages. To help visitors navigate your site, put the pages you expect them to need the most in main navigation. 

On mobile devices and smaller browsers, main navigation links may collapse behind menu links or ☰ icons to save space.

If your site is on version 7.0, your template may include secondary and footer navigation. Secondary and footer navigation sections create additional menus separate from the main navigation. Use these sections for pages visitors might want to see but aren't the focus of your site, like terms and policies.

Not linked

Pages in Not linked don't appear in your site's navigation. Visitors can access these pages by way of direct URLs unless you disable or password-protect them. Not linked is a great place to store in-progress pages or content that doesn't need to go in a navigation menu.

Member Sites

If you have Member Sites enabled on your site, a Member Sites section appears in the Pages panel under your main navigation. Use this section to add member sites and build out members-only pages on your site. Site visitors can only access pages in a member site after creating a customer account and signing up for a membership.

System Pages

Click System Pages at the bottom of the panel to customize built-in pages on your website:

  • 404 Page - Set a custom 404 page that appears when visitors go to a page that doesn't exist
  • Checkout - Style your online store's checkout page
  • Lock Screen - Customize the lock screen that appears when you have a site-wide or page password enabled

Website Tools

Click Website Tools at the bottom of the panel to add more customization your website:

  • Custom CSS - Add custom CSS to style fonts, colors, and backgrounds beyond Squarespace's built-in options.
  • Code Injection - Add custom HTML or scripts to your site's pages.
  • Announcement Bar - Create an announcement bar that appears at the top of your site.
  • Promotional Pop-Up - Create a pop-up that appears on your site or specific pages. This is a great way to ask visitors to subscribe to your newsletter or promote a sale.
  • Mobile Information Bar - Display your business information in a banner at the bottom of your site when viewed in mobile devices.
  • Cookies & Visitor Data - Enable a cookie banner and set what visitor data your site tracks for traffic analytics.


Click Trash at the bottom of the panel to restore any pages deleted in the past 30 days or permanently remove deleted pages by emptying the trash.

Manage Comments

Click Manage Comments at the bottom of the panel to moderate the comments on your site's blog pages. This won't display if you don't have comments enabled on your site. To learn more, visit Blog comments and simple likes.

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