Changing a product's featured image

Choose the image that displays first for your products across your site and on social media.

Last updated August 29, 2023

A product's featured image represents the item in certain areas of a site, such as product blocks, summary blocks, store pages in version 7.1 and advanced store pages in version 7.0. Featured images also represent a product on social media if you don't upload an Alternate Social Sharing Images.

By default, the first image that displays in the product editor becomes the featured image. Follow these steps to edit or replace a product's featured image.

To set variant-specific images to appear on the product details page when shoppers browse variants, visit Product images.

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To change your product's featured image:

  1. Open the Pages panel.
  2. In the Pages panel, click a store page.
  3. Double-click a product. You can also open the Products panel and double click a product to open the editor.
  4. In the product editor, scroll down to the Images section and click Featured Image.
  5. Upload an image or select an existing one from your image library.
  6. If the product already has a featured image, click the three dots to the right of the image, then click Delete. Then, upload a new image.
  7. Click Save.

It's not possible to edit the focal point of a product's custom featured image. However, if you remove the custom featured image from a product, the first image in the product editor will function as the featured image. You can then edit the focal point of that image to change how it displays on your product and store page.

Display by version and template

To learn more about where featured images display, visit Product Images.

In this guide

Footer Image
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Changing a product's featured image