Working with Demo Content

Locate, replace, and delete demo content as you're building your site.

Last updated February 25, 2025

Each Squarespace site comes pre-loaded with demo pages and content to highlight features and layout possibilities. Use this guide to learn how demo pages work and how to replace and customize demo content with your own.

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Before you begin

  • We recommend removing or replacing all demo content before upgrading to a paid subscription.
  • All demo content pages use noindex tags to prevent them from appearing in search results. The noindex tags are automatically removed when you start editing a demo page.
  • If you'd like to use stock images to replace demo content, we offer integrations with Getty Images and Unsplash.

Understanding demo content

The designs in the template store have demo content that highlights Squarespace features and layout possibilities. Our design team carefully curates the text and images to inspire you and serve as a springboard for your own ideas. You can create any type of site, no matter what design you choose as your starting point.

Demo content is intended as inspiration only. When building your site, you’ll use tools built into the Squarespace platform to replace the demo text and images with your own unique content.

Locating the demo content

Most of the demo content is located in the Pages panel. How you locate the demo content, depends on your site's version:

On version 7.1 sites, when you create a site or add pages, all of the placeholder text, images, and blocks are demo content. The demo content isn't labeled.

Open the Pages panel.

Demo pages have a Demo label next to the page title. The icons next to the page titles tell you the page type, such as layout page or blog page.

The Demo label appears beside demo pages.

The Demo label appears beside demo pages.

To find a demo page, tap More, then tap Pages.

Demo pages have a Demo label next to the page title. The icons next to the page titles tell you the page type, such as layout page or blog page.

Replacing demo content

How you replace demo content depends on which version of Squarespace your site is on and where the demo content appears:

  • Pages - Click the page title in the Pages panel, then click Edit.
  • Page section - Click Edit in the top-left corner of the page, then find the section with demo content. Edit demo blocks to replace content.
  • Layout page - Hover over the page preview and click Edit.
  • Collection page - Click the page title in the Pages panel and click Copy Page.
  • Banner image - Hover over each page, click Banner, then click the trash can icon below the image in the page’s settings.

Accessing this feature

Some page types can't be edited in the Squarespace app. For pages that aren't supported, log into your site on a computer. To learn more, visit Adding pages to your navigation.

To edit a demo page:

  1. Tap a supported page with demo content. On 7.1 sites, tap the supported page then tap Preview.
  2. Tap Edit or the pencil icon, then tap anywhere on the page to begin editing.

Deleting demo content

If you prefer to build your own pages from scratch, you can delete the demo pages.

In the Pages panel, hover over the page and click the trash can icon.

Hover over a demo page and click the trash can icon to delete it.

Hover over a demo page and click the trash can icon to delete it.

Add new pages by clicking the + icon and selecting a page type. To learn more, visit Adding pages to your navigation.

  1. Tap More, then tap Pages.
  2. If your site is on version 7.1, tap the trash can icon next to the page with demo content, then tap Confirm. If your site is on version 7.0, swipe left on the demo page to delete it. 

You can also delete a page from its page settings.

Restoring demo content

Your options for restoring demo pages depend on your site's version.

You can restore demo pages within 30 days of deleting them. For help, visit Restoring deleted pages.

You can restore demo pages within 30 days of deleting them. For help, visit Restoring deleted pages.

You can also restore demo content by uninstalling and reinstalling your template:

  1. Check your page's URL slugs and ensure none of them share URL slugs with the demo pages you want to restore. Those usually include the template's name. If any of your pages share URL slugs with demo pages, those demo pages won't restore.
  2. Switch to a new template.
  3. Uninstall your previous template, then reinstall and switch back to it.

Switching templates (version 7.0 only)

When you switch templates on a version 7.0 site, the existing demo content is replaced with the demo content of the new template. Any pages you’ve created or edited, including demo pages whose example content you replaced, move to the Not linked section.

For more information, visit Switching templates.


Can I use the demo content?

No. Per our Terms of Service, demo content is meant for inspiration only, and you don't have a license to use any sample images or content on your live site. You’ll need to replace the demo content with your own images and text. Besides, using your own content is the best way to ensure that your site expresses your unique vision and brand.

To find great images to build your site, we offer built-in integrations to help you search and add free and premium stock images.

Why do you have demo content?

We've learned that starting with demo content makes building your site easier than starting with a blank site. Also, while all our designs are customizable, we design each one with certain aesthetic goals in mind. The demo content illustrates those aesthetic goals and demonstrates the type of site that could be created with those elements.

How can I remove the “Demo” label?

Clicking an EditBanner, or Settings button on a demo page removes the "Demo" label. You can then fill the page with your own text and images.

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