Managing domain permissions

Enable contributors to edit your domain, update billing, and more.

Last updated January 10, 2025

After you register your Squarespace domain, you can invite collaborators to log in and manage it as a team. Each contributor needs their own Squarespace account. When they accept a contributor invitation, they can create an account for free or add the domain to an existing account.

Accessing this feature

Domain permissions only apply to domains that don't share billing and contributor information with a Squarespace website. When you move a domain to a Squarespace website, all domain contributors are automatically removed and the domain shares the same contributor permissions as the website.

Before you begin

  • Contributors can remove themselves from the domain.
  • There's no limit to how many contributors you can add to a domain.
  • When you start with a new parked domain, you automatically become the domain owner with owner-level permissions.
  • If your domain is grouped, adding a domain manager to your domain doesn't affect other domains in that group.
  • It's not possible to add new Domain managers with billing access to a domain.
  • While contributors with any domain permission level can initiate a domain's transfer away from Squarespace, only the domain's Owner contact if the domain's registrar is Squarespace Domains LLC, or the Admin contact if the domain's domain's registrar is Tucows, will receive the email with the transfer authentication code.

Domain permission levels

Use the table below to understand what each contributor role can and can't do.

  Domain owner Domain manager

Manage domain settings and DNS

View or update payment information


Enable/disable auto-renew


Reactivate an expired domain


Add/remove contributors

Connect a domain to a website

Move a domain to a website


Delete a domain


Transfer a domain away 

Manage the connected Google Workspace account


Domain managers with billing access

Domain managers with billing access can do anything a domain owner can. It's not possible to add new Domain managers with billing access to a domain, or upgrade Domain managers to Domain managers with billing access. 

This permission level only applies to users who were previously:

  • Contributors with Admin permissions on a parked domain
  • Contributors on a migrated domain with an attached Google Workspace account

Invite a contributor

To invite someone to contribute to your domain:

  1. Open your domains dashboard.
  2. Click your domain.
  3. Click Permissions.
  4. Click Invite domain manager.
  5. Enter the contributor's name and email address.

Your contributor will receive an email invitation asking them to log into their existing Squarespace account or create a new one.

If you don't see the option to invite a Domain manager, domain-specific permissions aren't available for your domain because your domain shares its permission settings with the website it's associated with. To invite someone to contribute to your domain, you can add them as an Administrator instead.

If the invited contributor isn't receiving your invitation email, have them check their spam folder or search If they still aren't receiving the email, you can manually send an invite link:

  1. Open your domains dashboard.
  2. Click your domain.
  3. Click Permissions.
  4. Click next to the contributor's name in the Invites sent section of your Permissions panel.
  5. Select Copy invite link.
  6. Share the link with your contributor.

Accept a contributor invitation

When someone invites you as a contributor, you'll receive an email invitation with the subject line "Domain Manager Invitation from [inviter name]." Open the email and click Accept invitation.

If you already have a Squarespace account

If you already have an account, you'll be prompted to log in. Enter your account email address and password, or log in using a social account. If you enabled two-factor authentication, you'll be prompted to enter an authentication code.

If you don't have a Squarespace account

If you don't have a Squarespace account, sign up by clicking Create account. When you create an account, you’ll pick your login information. You can either:

  • Use an email address and password to log in. We recommend using an email address you can easily access.
  • Use your Apple, Facebook, or Google account to save time and log in with one click. You’ll be prompted to log into that account and make the connection to Squarespace.


If you try to accept an invitation while logged in to the incorrect Squarespace account, you'll receive the following error message: "Your account email doesn’t match the invite email. Ask the domain owner for a new invite that matches your email."

To add permissions on a different account, we recommend accepting the contributor invitation in Incognito mode. That way, you can log into the correct account after clicking Accept invitation.

Remove another contributor or yourself from the domain

If a contributor doesn't need access to the domain, or if they leave your business, you might want to remove them. This blocks them from logging in and making any changes. Domain owners and Domain managers can remove other Domain managers, including themselves, as contributors.

To remove a contributor from a domain:

  1. Open your domains dashboard.
  2. Click your domain.
  3. Click Permissions.
  4. Click next to the contributor you want to remove, or next to your own name.
  5. Click Remove domain manager if you're removing another contributor, or Remove if you're removing yourself.
  6. If you're removing yourself, click Remove again to confirm.

Remove billing permissions from a contributor

To remove billing access from a Domain manager with billing access and convert them to a Domain manager:

  1. Open your domains dashboard.
  2. Click your domain.
  3. Click Permissions.
  4. Click next to the contributor you want to edit.
  5. Select Remove billing permissions to remove billing access from a Domain manager.

Update the domain owner

If your domain is already attached to a Squarespace website, visit Changing site ownership to learn how to transfer ownership of your site and domain. 

There isn't a way to update the owner for a domain that isn't attached to a Squarespace website. To change the owner of your domain, create a free trial site under the same account as your domain, contact us for help moving your domain to the trial, then transfer ownership of the domain and the site to the new owner:

  1. Create a new trial site under the same account as your domain.
  2. Add payment information to your new trial site. You don't have to upgrade the site when the free trial expires, and the site won't automatically upgrade. You can manage your domain through your domains dashboard indefinitely even after the trial expires.
  3. Contact us for help moving your domain to the trial. In your message, include the name of your domain and your trial site's URL (also called its built-in domain). 
  4. After we respond with a confirmation that we successfully moved your domain, invite the future owner as a contributor to the site.
  5. Open the Permissions & Ownership panel.
  6. Click the current site owner's name under Owner.
  7. Click Transfer ownership.
  8. In the pop-up message, verify your account by logging in, then select the new owner from the drop-down menu.
  9. Click Continue, then click Confirm.
  10. Have the new owner update the domain contact information to their information.
  11. If your domain previously directed to a non-Squarespace site, forward or point it to that site again.


Squarespace trial sites are private by default, and can only be accessed by site owners and contributors. If visitors visit your custom domain while it's attached to a trial site, they'll see an owner login screen.

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