Parallax scrolling in version 7.0

Last updated July 6, 2023

Review parallax scrolling settings and troubleshooting tips.

Templates in the Brine family use a special visual effect on header images called parallax scrolling. Parallax scrolling involves a background image moving slower than the content in the foreground, creating an illusion of depth and immersion.

To produce a similar parallax scrolling effect in Version 7.1 , use background image effects.

Here's an example of parallax scrolling in the Burke template:


Before you begin

Supported pages

Parallax scrolling is available on pages that support banners:

  • Index pages (background images behind layout page sections)
  • Layout pages
  • Store pages
  • Events pages
  • Album pages
  • Blog pages
  • Gallery pages

Enable or disable parallax scrolling

If the banners on your site aren't showing the parallax effect, enable it in the Brine family's site styles:

  1. Open the Site styles panel.
  2. Scroll down to the Main: overlay section.
  3. Check Enable parallax.
  4. You may also want to check Parallax smart crop to minimize cropping.
  5. Click Save

To disable parallax scrolling for your site, follow the same steps but uncheck Enable parallax.

To create the parallax effect, add a featured image to your page or section:

If the parallax effect doesn't appear, ensure it's enabled.

Heighten the effect

There are several ways to heighten the effect of the parallax scroll.

Mix content

Mix parallax scrolling images with content and images that don't parallax scroll. The content moving faster appears to slide over the parallax images.

For example, in an Index you can mix parallax-scrolling content sections with non-parallax gallery Index sections, or with content sections that don't have background images.

Add overlay content

Another way to enhance parallax scrolling is by adding text, buttons, or other content to the image as an overlay. This content scrolls at the same speed as the rest of the page, faster than the image. In the Brine family, you can add this content with blocks:

Add a color filter

You can add a color filter to all banners on your site with Overlay color in the Main: overlay section of site styles.


To understand how cropping affects parallax images, it helps to think of your site as a piece of paper with a rectangular hole cut out of it. The parallax image is a separate layer underneath, which is only visible through the hole in the paper.

For the paper to scroll faster than the image, the image needs to be taller than the hole. The extra space at the top and bottom of the image is what gets revealed as you move the paper up and down.

Because of this, cropping and focal point changes may not have a noticeable impact on a parallax scrolling image's position. Your site is designed to ensure that the image has margins on the sides so it can display the parallax effect.

Check Parallax smart crop in site styles to minimize cropping on the left and right.

Scrolling issues

If scrolling issues occur when parallax is enabled, you may need to reduce the size of the page. Browsers can load parallax scrolling pages slowly, especially if the total page size is 15 MB or more. If scrolling still don't look right, or if reducing page size isn't an option for you, consider disabling parallax

In this guide

Footer Image
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Parallax scrolling in version 7.0