Tag cloud blocks

Display links to categories or tags in a cloud design.

Last updated February 22, 2023

Use Tag cloud blocks to display categories or tags from a collection page in a graphic cloud formation. Each tag's text size is based on how often it's used on the connected page, meaning the tags you use most frequently display larger. You can display the tags in alphabetical order, by weight, or by activity.

Supported pages

What types of pages your tag cloud block can pull from depends on your site's version.

Ensure you've added categories or tags to the items in the collection page. Otherwise, the tag cloud block will display empty.

Add a tag cloud block

To add a tag cloud block:

  1. Edit a page or post, click Add Block or an insert point, then click Tag Cloud. For help, visit Adding content with blocks.
  2. Open the block editor by clicking the pencil icon on the block.
  3. In the block editor, select the page containing the tags or categories you want to display.
  4. Select Tags or Categories from the Display Type drop-down menu.
  5. Select a sort option from the Sort By drop-down menu.
  6. Use the slider to set the number of tags or categories that appear in your cloud, between 5 and 100. If your site is on version 7.0, click Apply to publish your changes.

Sort options

In the Sort By drop-down menu, select how tags and categories sort in the block:

  • Alphabetical - Sorts the tags in alphabetical order from A to Z.
  • Weight - Sorts tags from most used to least used.
  • Activity - Sorts tags by most recently used to least recently used.
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