Customer reviews

Collect and display reviews for download, physical, and service products.

Last updated February 3, 2025

Customer reviews build trust with shoppers and can increase your sales. Customers can leave reviews for physical, download, service, and subscription products. It’s not possible to collect reviews for gift cards or broadly for your business.

Accessing this feature

You can send customer review request emails if you are on a Basic, Core, Plus, Advanced, Commerce Basic, or Commerce Advanced plan. To learn more, visit Choosing the right Squarespace plan.

To import customer reviews from Etsy, visit our guide on Importing customer reviews from Etsy.

How it works

After you enable customer reviews, customers who buy physical, download, service, or subscription products will receive an email automatically 14 days after you fulfill their order. Customers can leave a 1500-character written review for each item in the order, and a rating between one and five stars.

If their order contained multiple products, they'll only receive one email, but they can review each product individually. If they bought a subscription product, they’ll only receive one email requesting a review. Customers have 120 days to review their purchase.

If you delete a product, it can’t be reviewed. If you delete a product variant but not the product itself, the variant can still be reviewed.

Review request emails aren't sent for purchases made through point of sale.

This is a preview of the review request email:


This is a preview of the review submission form:


Customize the email

To preview and customize the email:

  1. Open your automations dashboard.
  2. Click Request customer reviews.
  3. Click Action, then click Edit Email in the sidebar.
  4. Click existing content to customize it, or click + anywhere in the email to add new text, images, lines, or spacers.
  5. Click Email in the sidebar to customize the subject line and preview text that appears in inboxes.

To check how the customer review request appears in a real email inbox, send yourself a test email by clicking Send Test. It’s not possible to customize when the email is sent, or send multiple requests to the same customer.

Activate the automation

When you're ready for the email to be sent to customers, you can activate the automation:

  1. Click Back in the email editor to return to the Request customer reviews automation.
  2. Click Activate.

Alternatively, you can activate it directly from the automations dashboard by clicking ... next to Recover abandoned carts, then clicking Activate.

When you enable customer reviews, the review request email will be sent for future purchases and purchases fulfilled in the past 14 days.

Customize review settings

After you receive your first review, you can customize more settings:

  1. Open Customer Reviews panel and click the gear icon.
  2. Switch the Email notifications toggle on to receive an email when a customer leaves a review.
  3. Click the Product and store reviews drop-down menu to select which reviews display. To learn more about these options, visit How customer reviews display.
  4. Switch the Requested reviews toggle on to display customer reviews on product details pages.
  5. If you imported Etsy reviews, switch the Imported reviews toggle on to display imported Etsy reviews on product details pages.

How customer reviews display

Customer reviews display at the bottom of product details pages in tabs. The product title and featured image display beside the review. The stars that show the average rating are always black. What reviews display depend on your Customer Review settings:

  • Product reviews only - Displays all reviews and the average rating for the product the customer is viewing. The product title and featured image won't display in the reviews section. Imported reviews won't display.
  • Store reviews only - Displays all reviews and the average rating for all products in your store. The product title and featured image display beside the review. For requested reviews, the featured image links to the product details page. Imported reviews will display.
  • Product and store reviews - Divides product and store reviews into tabs on the product details page. Tabs only display if at least one review exists. For example, if you select Product and store reviews, but you only have reviews for the product the customer is viewing, only those reviews display and tabs won't appear.

Keep in mind, enabling store reviews displays an aggregate of your product reviews. It's not possible to request store reviews from your customers.

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For tips to increase your revenue, visit Increasing your store's sales.

Manage reviews

To read your customer reviews and manage their visibility, open the Customer Reviews panel. All customer reviews for your site display here. You can review the:

  • Posted on (date)
  • Rating
  • Review
  • Customer
  • Product

To change a review's visibility, click the Visibility drop-down menu and click Public or Hidden. If you're hiding a review, click Hide to confirm. Hiding a review will affect your average rating.

Disable the email

To stop sending customer review request emails:

  1. Open your automations dashboard.
  2. Click ... beside Request customer reviews.
  3. Click Pause.

This stops the review request email from sending for future purchases and purchases fulfilled in the past 14 days. Requests emails also pause automatically when you edit the email. For more on why automations may not send, visit Sending automated campaigns.

To hide customer reviews from your store, go to the Display section and switch the Requested reviews and Imported reviews toggles off.


Can I send a review request email for all prior orders?

No. Purchases fulfilled more than 14 days before you enabled customer reviews won't receive the customer review request email.

What happens to my reviews if I downgrade?

If you downgrade to a Business or Personal plan, you’ll lose the ability to send customer review request emails, but reviews you’ve already collected remain on your product details pages.

What happens to my reviews if I edit my products?

Reviews will display even if you edit your products. If you change a product's name, reviews for that product will update to display the new name.

Will the automation work if I move products between store pages?

Yes. The customer review request email sends even if you move products between store pages.

Can I transfer my reviews to a new site?

No. It's not possible to move customer reviews between sites.

Can I export customer reviews?

No. It's not possible to export customer reviews.

Does the review request email send for sold-out products?

Yes. The review request email sends even if a product is out of stock.

Can I delete a customer review?

It’s not possible to delete a review, but you can hide a review from displaying on your product details pages. Open the Customer Reviews panel. Find the review you want to hide, click the Visibility drop-down menu, click Hidden, then click Hide.

Can customers delete or edit their customer reviews?

No. It's not possible for customers to delete or edit their reviews.

Does deleting a product delete its reviews?

No. Deleting a product doesn’t delete its reviews. Your review averages will be unaffected after you delete a product.

Does deleting a contact delete the reviews they left? 

Yes. If a contact left any reviews, deleting the contact deletes any reviews associated with that contact. 

Can I respond to a customer review?

It’s not possible to respond directly to reviews. As an alternative, you can email your customers.

Why can’t my customer leave a customer review?

There are a few reasons customers might have trouble leaving a customer review:

  • There’s a time limit. Customers can only leave a review within 120 days of their order.
  • The product must still be visible in your store.
  • Customers don’t receive the customer review request email for subscription renewal orders.
  • Customers can only leave one review per product.
  • Customers can't leave customer reviews for cancelled orders.

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