Creating an imprint page

Last updated December 18, 2024

Germany and many other European Union countries require commercial websites to create an imprint (or impressum), which displays business information. Use this guide to learn how to create an imprint page, and what content you should include.


This guide is available as a resource, but should not be construed or relied upon in any way as legal advice. This information is for general information purposes only. Per our Terms of Service, Squarespace doesn't provide advice or recommendations regarding laws applicable to your site or business. If you have questions about your situation, consult with a legal advisor.

Create an imprint page

To create an imprint page in version 7.1:

  1. Open the Pages panel and click the + icon.
  2. Click Page Layouts
  3. If your site language is set to German, click Imprint. For all other site languages, click Contact, then choose a layout.
  4. Enter a title for the page (for example, Imprint). You can change this later.
  5. Replace the layout's placeholder blocks with your own content.

For more help with this setup, visit Creating a Contact Page.

You should also add a link to this page in your site footer.

What to include

The imprint (contact page) should always contain:

  • Business name
  • Business address
  • Email address
  • Phone number

Add the following information if it applies to your business:

  • The name of your supervising authority, if your business requires a licence
  • Your license numbers or trade registry numbers
  • In the case of a legal person (corporate entity), you should state the legal form (full legal corporate name) and the authorized representative(s) of the business
  • Your VAT number
  • Your company registration number (or equivalent state-issued number)
  • The professional bodies of which you are a member
  • The names of the company’s directors

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