Editing footers

Learn about your site’s footer, the section of content at the bottom of your site.

Last updated February 28, 2025

The footer is the bottom section of your site, below your page content. This is often where visitors look first for contact information, social icons, FAQ, and links to important information.

On all version 7.1 sites and most version 7.0 templates, it's not possible to have page-specific footers or remove elements on certain pages.

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Before you begin

  • If your template has "Made with Squarespace" or "Powered by Squarespace" text in the footer, visit Removing "Made with Squarespace" from your site to remove or edit it.
  • If your footer doesn't have any content, an empty text block may appear as a placeholder. It can't be removed, but it won't be publicly visible.
  • It's not possible to move blocks between footers and page content areas.

When you add content to the site footer, it appears on all pages of your site. To edit your footer:

  1. Click Edit on any page, then hover over the footer area and click Edit footer.
  2. To add blocks, click Add Block. For detailed steps, visit Adding content with blocks.

Accessing this feature

If the section in your footer doesn't have an Add Block button in the top-left corner when you're editing, it uses our classic editor. To add blocks, click an insert point.

  1. To add sections, click +. You can add blank or footer-style block sections to the footer. If you've saved block sections from elsewhere on your site, you can also add those by clicking Saved Sections. It's not possible to add other section types.
  2. To style any section, click the pencil icon.
  3. When you've completed your footer layout, click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or Exit then Save to close the editor.
  1. Hover over the footer area and click Edit in the annotation.
  2. To add blocks, click an insert point or the +. For detailed steps, visit Adding content with blocks.
  3. When you've completed your footer layout, click Save.

Keep in mind:

  • In some templates, you can only add one column of blocks to the footer.
  • Footer content doesn’t transfer between templates. To learn more, visit Switching templates FAQ.


The Bedford and Pacific template families have an optional second site-wide footer, called a "pre-footer,” which displays above the footer area and footer navigation links.

Hover over the pre-footer area and click Edit in the annotation, then use the same steps for adding blocks to a footer. Keep in mind:

  • If you remove all content from the pre-footer, it won't display to visitors, but you'll see the space for it when you're logged in and editing your site.
  • You can give the pre-footer unique font styling and its own background color in site styles.

Page footers

Some templates have an additional option for page-specific footers called page footers. Page footers only appear on the page where you added them, not site-wide, making them ideal for small amounts of page-specific content. 

Page footers are available in these template families:

  • Avenue
  • Five
  • Montauk

Footer options by template

Here's how the footer displays in these template families:

Template family Display
  • Split on left and right side for all pages. 
  • Only supports one column of blocks.
  • Site footer supports one column of blocks. Display depends on the Layout style tweak. Learn more.
  • Additional page footers. These support multiple columns.


  • Matches content width for all pages.


  • Footer and pre-footer matches content width for all pages.


  • Three editable blocks areas, footer navigation, and business information display in footer.
  • Dropdowns in footer navigation don't display as drop-down menus but rather as columns.
  • Learn more.


  • Matches content width on all pages. 
  • Footer navigation displays above the footer blocks area.
  • Dropdowns display as page links instead of a drop-down menu.
  • The footer follows the content inset.
  • Regular footer matching content width on all pages
  • Additional page footers.
  • Left-aligned footer on all pages.
  • Connected accounts display on the right.
  • Matches page width
  • Displays on all pages except gallery pages and index pages.
  • Split on left and right side for all pages. Both sides only support one column of blocks.
  • Secondary navigation displays below.
  • Right-aligned footer on all pages.
  • Matches content width on all pages except gallery pages and index pages.


  • Regular footer matches content width on all pages.
  • Page footers
  • Left-aligned info footer displays social icons on the right.
  • Matches content width on all pages.


  • Regular footer and pre-footer matches content width for all pages.
  • Secondary navigation appears between the two.


  • Matches content width on all pages.
  • Footer navigation displays below editable blocks area.
  • Certain blocks follow the content inset.
  • Matches content width on all pages except gallery pages


  • Footer on all pages except index pages
  • Matches content width
  • No footer
  • Footer matches content width on all pages.
  • Only supports one column of blocks


Some popular blocks for footers are:

  • Text blocks - Add any custom text. This is useful for adding an address, copyright, or a text link.
  • Social links blocks - Add icons that link to your social media profiles.
  • Newsletter block - Add a newsletter subscription form.
  • Button block - Add a call-to-action for people who've reached the end of your content.

To add a symbol to your footer, like a copyright or telephone symbol, follow our steps for adding special characters.

You can edit the layout, background, and color style of each section in your footer the same way you'd style any other block section of your site:

  1. Click Edit on any page, then hover over the footer area and click Edit footer.
  2. Hover over the section you’d like to edit, and click Edit Section or the pencil icon.

To learn more about editing section styles, visit Page sections.


Unlike headers, footers don’t have a Adaptive style setting. However, you may be able to make the footer transparent, and display the last section's background color or image by adding custom code. To learn more, visit this post in the Squarespace forum. Keep in mind, custom code modifications fall outside the scope of our support.

How you remove the footer depends on your site's version.

Remove the footer on all pages

To remove the footer on all of the pages of your site, you can delete it: 

  1. Click Edit on any page, then hover over the footer area and click Edit footer.
  2. Hover over the footer and click the trash can icon.
  3. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or Exit then Save to close the editor.

To add a footer back again, click Edit on any page, scroll down to the footer area, and click Add section.

Hide the footer on specific pages

To replicate the look of a landing or cover page, you can hide the footer on specific pages. 

Accessing this feature

Hiding the footer is available for layout pages and layout pages in member sites. Collection pages such as blog, store, portfolio, and events don't have this option.

To hide the footer:

  1. Open the Pages panel.
  2. Hover over a page title, then click the gear icon next to the title.
  3. Click Navigation on the page settings tab. 
  4. Use the toggle to turn off Show Footer.

Repeat these steps for every page where you’d like to hide the footer.  

In these template families, use the following site styles tweaks to hide the footer.

  • Brine - Uncheck Show footer
  • Montauk (info footer only) - Check Hide info footer
  • Tremont - Uncheck Show footer
  • York - Uncheck Show global site footer

To hide the footer in all other template families, leave the footer content area empty.

Mobile display

The mobile display of your footer depends on what editor you're using. If your site is on version 7.1 and your footer uses Fluid Engine sections, you can arrange the computer and mobile layouts independently.

In version 7.0 footers or version 7.1 footers using the classic editor, block content stacks automatically with responsive design. If your footer has multiple blocks, this might cause all blocks to stack vertically on mobile. For more details, visit How blocks stack in mobile.

Footer Image
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