Unsplash and Squarespace

Important information about how to use Unsplash stock images on your site.

Last updated January 24, 2023

With our partnership with Unsplash, you can add free stock photography to your site.

You can also add premium stock images with our Getty Images integration.

How it works

To use Unsplash images on your site: 

  1. Search - Search Unsplash’s collections almost anywhere you can add an image in Squarespace.
  2. Add - Preview images until you find one you like, then add it to your site.
  3. Reuse - Reuse any added Unsplash image in other places on your site, as many times as you need.

You don't need to license Unsplash images. Under Unsplash’s license, you can copy, modify, download, and distribute any of their images for free, even for commercial purposes. You don’t need to ask permission from or provide attribution to the artist, but we recommend crediting them anyway. They offer some tips for crediting on their site. For more detailed steps, visit these guides:


Unsplash offers some images on their website that aren’t available through our integration. For convenience, we recommend choosing a similar image through the integration. You can also download the image directly from Unsplash, then upload it to your site.

Terms of Service

When you add an Unsplash image to your site, you agree to their terms and understand that you’re publishing the image and are responsible for it. Unsplash provides the image, not Squarespace. As the site owner, you’re responsible for verifying that the image’s license is legitimate and that your use of the image complies with their terms. We also recommend reviewing our best practices for using stock images.

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