Hiding a blog post's metadata

Customize blog posts by showing or hiding publication dates, authors, and tags and categories.

Last updated April 18, 2023

Customize your blog pages and posts by choosing what metadata displays for your visitors. Depending on your site's version and template, hide one or more or these elements to streamline your blog or remove unnecessary information:

To get started with a blog page, first visit Blogging with Squarespace.

Hide the author

On most Squarespace sites, you can choose to hide or show the author with style settings. On all sites, you can use a summary block to create a blog landing page that doesn't show an author.

To hide author names on your blog page:

  1. Open the Pages panel and click a blog page.
  2. Click Edit in the top-left corner of the blog page.
  3. Hover over the blog section and click the pencil icon.
  4. Ensure Author isn't selected as either Primary Meta Data or Secondary Meta Data.
  5. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or click Exit then Save to close the editor.

These changes affect all blog pages using the same layout.


On version 7.0, some templates always hide the author name. Learn how to hide author names in these template families:

Template family Notes
Adirondack Scroll down to Blog and uncheck Blog Post Author.
Avenue Author name is always hidden
Aviator Scroll down to Blog Styles and check Hide Author.
Bedford Scroll down to Blog and check Hide Entry Author.
Brine Scroll down to Blog: Metadata and ensure that Author isn't selected for the Primary or Secondary tweak. In the Blog: Item section, ensure Pagination Meta: Author isn't selected.
Farro Scroll down to Blog: Meta and adjust the Top and Bottom Primary and Secondary tweaks so that Author isn't selected. You may also want to uncheck Show Author Profile in the Blog: Item section.
Five Scroll down to Blog and set Blog Byline to Hidden.
Flatiron Scroll down to Blog Styles and uncheck Show Author.
Forte Scroll down to Blog and uncheck Show Author Name.
Galapagos Scroll down to Blog and check Hide Author.
Ishimoto Author name is always hidden.
Momentum Scroll down to Blog Styles and uncheck Blog Author Display.
Montauk Scroll down to Blog Styles and check Hide Article Author.
Native Scroll down to Blog and check Hide Author.
Pacific Scroll down to Blog and check Hide Entry Author.


Blog page: Scroll down to Blog Options and use the Promoted Meta tweak to choose anything other than Author.

Blog post: The author name can't be fully hidden on blog posts. If the author profile is hidden, the author name appears as metadata at the bottom of the post.

Supply Scroll down to Blog and check Hide Blog Author.


Scroll down to Blog: Metadata and ensure that Author isn't selected for the Primary or Secondary tweak. In the Blog: Item section, ensure Pagination Meta: Author isn't selected.
Wells Author name is always hidden.
Wexley Scroll down to Blog and check Hide Entry Author.
York Scroll down to Blog: Metadata and use the Primary and Secondary tweaks to choose any metadata other than Author. In the Blog: Item section, ensure Pagination Meta: Author isn't selected.

Hide the publication date

On some Squarespace sites, you can choose to hide or show the publication date with style settings. On all sites, you can use a summary block to create a blog landing page that doesn't display a date.

To hide the publication dates on your blog page:

  1. Open the Pages panel and click a blog page.
  2. Click Edit in the top-left corner of the blog page.
  3. Hover over the blog section and click the pencil icon.
  4. Ensure Date isn't selected as either Primary Meta Data or Secondary Meta Data.
  5. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or click Exit then Save to close the editor.

These changes affect all blog pages using the same layout.


You can hide your post date using style tweaks in the below template families. If your template doesn't appear in the table, it's not possible to change publication date visibility.

Template family Notes
Brine Scroll down to Blog: Metadata and use the Primary and Secondary tweaks to choose any metadata other than Date. You may also need to update the Pagination Meta tweak in the Blog: Item section.
Farro Scroll down to Blog: Meta and adjust the Top and Bottom Primary and Secondary tweaks so that Date isn't selected. You may also want to choose Pagination: Hide in the Blog Item: Pagination section.
Five Scroll down to Blog and select Blog Dateline: Hidden.
Tremont Scroll down to Blog: Metadata and use the Primary and Secondary tweaks to choose any metadata other than Date. You may also need to update the Pagination Meta tweak in the Blog: Item section.
York Scroll down to Blog: Metadata and use the Primary and Secondary tweaks to choose any metadata other than Date. You may also need to update the Pagination Meta tweak in the Blog: Item section.

Use summary blocks to hide authors or dates

Use a summary block, which pulls information from your blog page, to create an alternate blog landing page that hides authors and publication dates. This is useful for version 7.0 templates that don't support hiding the authors or dates, or for any Squarespace site where you want to create an alternate blog landing page.

To create a summary block with hidden author names and publication dates:

  1. Add a new layout page to your navigation, then add a summary block.
  2. In the Content tab, choose the blog you’d like to display, and customize the summary block appearance more in the Layout tab.
  3. In the Display tab, set Primary Metadata and Secondary Metadata to any option except Date Posted (to hide the publication date) or Author (to hide the author name). 

To use this new page as a replacement for your main blog page, move your blog page to the Not linked section to hide it from the main navigation.

Hide categories and tags

Whether or not you can hide categories or tags from blog pages or individual blog posts depends on your site's version.

Tags never display on blog pages, but always display on individual blog posts. Tags can't be hidden on blog posts.

To hide categories on your blog page:

  1. Open the Pages panel and click a blog page.
  2. Click Edit in the top-left corner of the blog page.
  3. Hover over the blog section and click the pencil icon.
  4. Ensure Categories isn't selected as either Primary Meta Content and Secondary Meta Content.
  5. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or click Exit then Save to close the editor.

These changes affect all blog pages using the same layout.


Learn how to hide categories and tags from blog pages and blog posts in the below template families using the following site styles tweaks. If your template doesn't appear in the table, it's not possible to change category and tag visibility.

Template family Notes

Select Date, Author, or None for Meta Priority in the Blog section to hide categories, and check Hide List Entry Footer to hide tags on blog pages.

Categories and tags can't be hidden on individual blog posts.

Brine Select Author, Date, Location, Comments, or None as the Primary and Secondary tweaks in the Blog: Metadata section.
Farro Select Category, Author, Date, Location, or None for the Top Primary, Top Secondary, Bottom Primary, and Bottom Secondary tweaks in the Blog: Meta section.
Five Check the Hide Tags Categories tweak in the Blog section.
Native Check the Hide Tags Categories tweak in the Blog section.

Select Author or None as the Promoted Meta tweak in the Blog Options section to hide categories on blog pages. Tags can't be hidden on blog pages.

Categories and tags always display below posts and can't be hidden. You can prevent categories from also displaying at the top of blog posts by selecting Author or None as the Promoted Meta tweak in the Blog Options section.

Tremont Select Author, Date, Location, Comments, or None as the Primary and Secondary tweaks in the Blog: Metadata section.
York Select Author, Date, Location, Comments, or None as the Primary and Secondary tweaks in the Blog: Metadata section.

Use custom code

You can apply custom code to hide the author name or the publication date, but note that adding code to your site is an advanced modification. While we can’t offer help with custom code, there are many resources available that can point you in the right direction:

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Hiding a blog post's metadata