Nameserver connect vs. DNS connect

Compare the two ways to connect a domain you registered with a third-party company to your Squarespace site.

Last updated March 12, 2025

If you registered a domain with a company outside Squarespace, you can connect it to your Squarespace site. We recommend transferring your third-party domain. When you transfer, you can get help for your site and your domain from one Customer Support team. If your domain isn't eligible to transfer, or you want to keep it with your current host, you can connect your domain instead.

There are two ways to connect a third-party domain to Squarespace: nameserver connect and DNS connect. This guide explains the two processes and when to use each one.

If you're ready to start connecting your domain, visit our provider-specific DNS connection guides. If your provider isn't on that list, follow our general steps for DNS connect.

Should I use nameserver connect or DNS connect?

If you have a GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Network Solutions domain, use nameserver connect, unless your domain:

If your domain is hosted by another provider or any of the list above applies to your domain, use DNS connect.

If your domains panel shows the nameserver connect option and you have the records listed above in place, opt out of nameserver connect. Then use the provider-specific guide to connect your domain using DNS settings.

If you've used DNS connect in the past, leave your domain settings as-is. Connecting a new domain using nameservers won't break your other domain connections.

Nameserver connect vs. DNS connect

Use the following information to compare the two domain connection setup options.

Difference between nameservers and DNS settings

Both connection processes bring visitors to your site, but they use different methods to do so. When your domain connects to Squarespace via nameserver connect, your domain's DNS records are stored at Squarespace. When your domain connects to Squarespace via DNS connect, your domain's DNS settings are stored with its third-party provider.

Setup processes

The domain connection setup for nameserver connect is a guided process. From the DNS settings panel, you'll add two nameserver records to your domain provider's DNS settings.

The setup for DNS connect is a manual setup process. The DNS settings panel in your Squarespace site lists two CNAME records and four A records. You'll log into your domain provider's account and add the records to your domain's DNS settings.

How do I edit my DNS records after connecting?

After connecting your domain to your site, how you edit your DNS records depends on which process you used:

  • Nameserver connect - Select the domain you want to edit in your domains dashboard, then click Edit in the DNS settings section. To learn more, visit Adding DNS records to your domain.
  • DNS connect - Log into your domain provider account and follow their instructions to edit your records.

If you connected your domain using nameservers, here's where to find the edit option for your DNS settings:



Opt out of nameserver connect

If you have features like custom a email address or ad blockers attached to your domain using custom DNS records, those features can break if you use nameserver connect. To ensure your features don't experience downtime, opt out of nameserver connect and use DNS connect instead to ensure your custom DNS records carry over along with your domain.

To opt out of nameserver connect:

  1. Open the Domains panel.
  2. Click Use a domain I own.
  3. Enter the full domain name you’re connecting in the Enter domain field, then click the arrow.
  4. Click Connect domain.
  5. In the "Let's Connect Your Domain" pop-up message, select No, use DNS records.
  6. Click Connect domain.
  7. Select your domain provider from the dropdown menu, if it’s not already selected.
  8. In the pop-up window, sign into your domain provider’s account
  9. Click Connect.
  10. In the "Connection in progress" pop-up message on your site, click Continue.

How did I connect my domain?

If your domain is already connected, the Domains panel shows if your connection is using DNS connect or nameserver connect.

More help

This guide covers the basic features and limitations specific to nameserver connect and DNS connect. To learn more about the technical details of nameservers, visit Nameservers and DNSSEC for Squarespace domains, or visit Domains basics for more resources on connecting and managing your domain.

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