Squarespace Analytics

Learn which analytics panels you have access to and review definitions for common terms.

Last updated February 24, 2025

Squarespace analytics is our reporting platform that gives you insight into how your site is performing. With analytics, you can get a clear picture of your visitors and their behavior through visual reports on statistics like pageviews, conversion, sales, referrers, and bounce rate.

If you have an online store, analytics includes revenue, conversion, and cart abandonment data so you can track how your business is doing and identify opportunities for growth.

Register for our Uncover Customer Trends with Squarespace Analytics webinar where we’ll teach you how to use our built-in reporting platform. You’ll learn how to review key performance indicators, connect Google Analytics and Google Search Console to your site, and use analytics data to track how your business is doing and identify opportunities for growth.

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Before you begin

  • Our platform records visitor activity via JavaScript in the browser.
  • Site owners and contributors with administrator and reporting permissions can view analytics.
  • Data in analytics can take up to three hours to refresh.
  • It's not possible to export analytics data at this time.
  • As a best practice, keep track of when you make big changes to your site or content and monitor how your data responds.
  • Providing specific analytics advice is outside the scope of our support, but if you want an outside opinion on your site and analytics, you can hire a vetted Squarespace Expert.

Availability by plan

Your access to analytics panels and features depends on:

If your plan doesn’t include certain analytics features, you’ll see a preview and an opportunity to upgrade.


The Basic, Core, Plus, and Advanced plans are new plans that are rolling out in waves. What appears on the pricing page, and the plan selection screen, are the plans you currently have access to.

The table below shows available options for the Basic, Core, Plus, and Advanced plans:

Feature Basic Core Plus Advanced


with connected payments


Traffic alerts


Sales by product

Purchase funnel

Abandoned checkout 

with connected payments

and abandoned cart analytics 

Traffic sources

restricted sources and channels

Search keywords

Activity log

Form & button conversions

Site content

Site search keywords

RSS subscribers

The table below shows available options for the Personal, Business, Commerce Basic, and Commerce Advanced plans:

  • Legacy business plans have the same options as Commerce Basic.
  • Most trial sites have the same options as Website Personal.
  • Regardless of your plan, if you purchase a Digital Products plan, you'll have the options listed in the Digital product plan column below.
Feature Website Personal Website Business Commerce Basic Commerce Advanced Digital product plan


with connected payments


Traffic alerts


Sales by product

Purchase funnel

Abandoned cart

with connected payments

abandoned cart recovery data

Traffic sources

restricted sources and channels

restricted sources

Search keywords

Activity log

Form & button conversions

Site content

Site search keywords

RSS subscribers

Viewing historical analytics data after upgrading

Your analytics panels will display historical data, even if you upgrade your site. We track data for all sites, regardless of plan. For example, if you upgrade to the Core, Plus, Advanced, Commerce Basic, or Commerce Advanced plan, your Purchase funnel panel will display historical data, dating back to when you began selling products on your site or when we released those analytics panels, whichever is more recent.

Open analytics

To open the Analytics panel:

  1. In the Home menu, click Analytics.
  2. Click a panel to see the report. Learn more about each analytics panel in Understanding your Squarespace analytics panels.

Analytics on mobile

Download the Squarespace app to access data from your mobile device. Keep in mind that the mobile app doesn't support all of Squarespace's features, so you'll only be able to review some of the available metrics on the app. 

Hiding your activity from Squarespace analytics

Squarespace analytics ignores all activity when you're logged in and viewing your site. If you're logged out, analytics counts your activity like you're an outside visitor.

Analytics is designed to show you how visitors interact with your site, so you may not want your own activity to skew the data. To prevent your or your contributors' pageviews and other activity from populating in analytics, log in before viewing your site.

In Google Analytics, you can hide your activity by creating a filter to exclude your IP address.

Trial sites and analytics

Which analytics options you see in your trial site depends on the version of Squarespace your site is on.

All trial sites have the same options as the Commerce Advanced and Advanced plans.

The analytics options you see during a trial depends on your template. (After upgrading, it depends on your plan.)

Most trial sites have the same options as the Personal and Basic plans.

If you start your trial with one of the following templates, you'll see the same options as Commerce Advanced and Advanced plans:

  • Adirondack
  • Brine
  • Cacao
  • Clay
  • Fairfield
  • Flores
  • Galapagos
  • Hyde
  • Indigo
  • Jaunt
  • Jones
  • Marta
  • Pedro
  • Supply
  • Thorne
  • West

Since trial sites aren't public, you may not see much data during a trial.

More help

We can't provide specific advice for improving your analytics results, as everyone's content, goals, and audience are a little different. There are plenty of resources online that explore different ways to impact your analytics, and we recommend experimenting to find out what has the best results for your site.

If you want an outside opinion on your analytics, review these helpful options:

Analytics glossary

Here are the definitions of common analytics terms you may see: 

  • AOV - Short for Average Order Value. The average revenue earned per order, or Revenue ÷ Orders.
  • Average time on page - The average amount of time users spend on a single page before navigating to another part of your site (Total time spent on page / (Pageviews - Exits)). Users who exit or bounce from a page aren't included in this audience engagement metric.
  • Bounce rate - The bounce rate for a page is the percentage of visitors who entered your site on that page, then exited your site from the same page without visiting any other pages on your site. What this audience engagement metric tells you about a page on your site depends on what you expect site visitors to do on that page.
  • Button clicks - The number of times a visitor clicked your site’s buttons. The total includes clicks from any button blocks, promotional pop-up buttons, or cover page buttons enabled on your site.
  • Checkouts - How often users successfully complete checkout on your website. For subscription products and recurring donations, only the first successful checkout is included. Invoicing and Scheduling transactions aren't included.
  • Conv. rate - Short for conversion rate. A good indicator of how visitor behaviors convert into actions, such as sales or engagement. The number is calculated differently depending on the panel.
  • Direct - Represents when someone typed your URL directly into their browser, rather than coming to your site from another page. You'll see this metric in the Referrers and Traffic Sources panels, and on the Traffic Sources card in the Squarespace app. If this number appears inflated, some of those visits may be from you visiting your own site while logged out. When you're logged in, your activity doesn’t count toward visits.
  • Exit rate - The percentage of views to a given page that didn’t result in any more pageviews on your site. This audience engagement metric highlights the pages that most often cause visitors to exit out of your site.
  • Form submissions - The number of forms submitted from your site. The total includes submissions from any form blocks, newsletter blocks, promotional pop-up newsletters, or cover page forms enabled on your site.
  • Individual - In RSS Subscribers, this represents specific visits to your site’s RSS feed URL. It can also include instances where we can’t detect a visitor’s specific feed reader.
  • KPI - Short for Key Performance Indicator. A way to measure a set of data. The Squarespace app uses KPIs to filter overall card data into a smaller sample.
  • Not provided - In the Search keywords panel, this represents search activity that search engines hide from third-party platforms, like Squarespace, to keep search more secure.
  • Orders - Represents the total number of completed orders, including every instance of a subscription product or recurring donation. 
  • Pageview - A record of page requests on your site. Requests for specific image URLs or other scripts don’t count toward this number—only full page loads do. Use this audience engagement metric to determine page popularity.
  • Revenue - Represents the total revenue value of all orders in the selected time period. Revenue is the sum of all subtotals and excludes costs like shipping fees and taxes. Discounts on subtotals are subtracted from the revenue number. Analytics doesn’t factor in refunds at this time.
  • RPV - Short for Revenue Per Visit. The average revenue generated per visit (Revenue ÷ Visits). This includes visits that didn’t result in a purchase. Many companies who do paid marketing use this as a benchmark for how much to spend per visit and for measuring marketing ROI.
  • Subscribers - In RSS subscribers, this represents the number of times an RSS feed or post within the feed was accessed in a selected time period. It doesn’t represent the actual number of subscribers to your RSS feed.
  • Unique views - An estimate of the total number of actual visitors that loaded the page with your button or form in the set time frame.
  • Unique visitors - Previously called audience size. An estimate of the total number of actual visitors that reached your site in the set time frame. This can be a good measure of your loyal audience and readership. We track the number of unique visitors with a browser cookie created when someone first visits your site. This cookie lasts for two years. If a visitor clears their cookies or opens your site from a different browser, the Squarespace app counts their first new visit toward unique visitors.
  • Units sold - Represents the total number of products sold. Since some orders may contain multiple products, this number can be higher than orders.
  • Views - In Sales by product, this shows the number of times that visitors have opened the product details page or clicked quick view.
  • Visits - The total number of visits in a selected time. A visit is one browsing session on your site, which could potentially include multiple pageviews. We track visits with a browser cookie that expires after 30 minutes. Any hits within that 30-minute browsing session count as one visit. This means that one person can count as multiple visits in a day if they come to your site more than once.

Conversion rates

How conversion rates are calculated depends on the panel:

  • Purchase funnel analytics - The percentage of visits converted into orders. The formula is (Checkouts ÷ Total visits) x 100.
  • Sales by product - The percentage of views that convert into orders. The formula is (Orders that contain the product ÷ Total views of the product) x 100. To see the full customer journey from adding a product to a cart to purchase, use the purchase funnel.
  • Sales - The percentage of visits that convert into at least one order of any size. The formula is (Visits resulting in an order ÷ Total visits) x 100.
    • In the graphs at the bottom of the Sales panel, you'll see data by source, product, and device type. The Top products by conv. rate graph calculates conversion rate as (Orders that contain the product ÷ Total views of the product) x 100.
  • Form & button conversions - The unique views that resulted in a form submission or button click. The formula is (The number of converted unique views ÷ The number of unique views for the form or button) x 100.
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