Site search keywords analytics

Understand what your site’s visitors are searching for and identify ways to improve their search results.

Last updated October 9, 2023

The Site search keywords panel in Squarespace analytics shows you how visitors search internally on your site. The data in this panel shows the top 100 queries from your site’s search fields, including:

From this section, you can learn about:

  • What visitors search for on your site.
  • How well your content matches their search terms.
  • Content or products visitors want so you can make informed decisions about new updates
  • Ways to improve search results by adding headers, categories, tags, product descriptions, and other content targeting these keywords.

Accessing this feature

The Site search keywords panel is available in all plans.

Review the Site search keywords panel

  1. Open the Analytics panel, click Engagement, then click Site search keywords.
  2. Click the date range drop-down menu at the top of the panel to filter results by time frame. Data is available starting from October, 2016.

Graph and table

The bar graph is a quick view of the search terms visitors used the most in the chosen time frame. A number above the chart shows the total number of searches performed on your site.

The table below the graph displays total searches by each term in the chosen time frame. Click the arrow next to a term to view the pages visited from search results. Because visitors might not visit any pages from search results, or might visit multiple pages, the number of clicks may be different than the number of searches.

If the panel is empty

If the Site search keywords panel shows a “No data available” message for all time filters, you either don’t have a search feature on your site or visitors didn’t search your site in the chosen time frame.

In this guide

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  • Hire a Squarespace Expert

  • Stand out online with the help of an experienced designer or developer.

Site search keywords analytics