Embed blocks

Add external media content to your site with embed codes.

Last updated February 8, 2025

Use embed blocks to add external content to your site, such as videos, tweets, Facebook posts, and more.

To learn more about choosing the best block for your custom content, visit Adding custom code to your site.

Watch a video

Before you begin

  • Embed blocks pull content from services that use the oEmbed standard or manually set embed codes. To add other code to your site, use code blocks.
  • You can use the embed block to display videos with advanced display settings, autoplay enabled, or that are hosted with Wistia, Animoto, or other hosts. For most YouTube and Vimeo videos, use the video block instead. To learn more, visit Embedding videos from third-party services on your site.
  • For most video services, you can edit the embed code to enable autoplay. To learn more, visit Autoplaying videos.
  • To learn more about using an embed block to display a feed of X posts on your site, visit Using X with Squarespace.

Add a video to an embed block

To add a video to an embed block:

  1. Find the video's embed code. Most video services have a Share or Embed button near the video. Click Share or Embed, then copy the embed code provided.
  2. On your Squarespace site, edit a page or post, click an insert point, and click Embed. For help, visit Adding content with blocks.
  3. Open the block editor by clicking the pencil icon on the block.
  4. Click Code snippet on a computer (or Code in the Squarespace app), click Embed Data, and paste the video's embed code manually into the text field.
  5. (Optional) Upload a custom featured image that displays until the visitor clicks to play. Keep in mind that adding an image disables autoplay.
  6. (Optional) Add a description to display text under the video.


If the embed code doesn't work, the video host you're using probably doesn't use the oEmbed standard. For such services, we recommend placing the embed code in a code block.

Add other content to an embed block

To add other content to an embed block:

  1. Edit a page or post, click Add Block or an insert point, and click Embed. For help, visit Adding content with blocks.
  2. Open the block editor by clicking the pencil icon or Edit on the block.
  3. Enter the URL of the item you're embedding. You'll need a URL from a site that uses the oEmbed standard.
  4. If the content doesn't appear, click Code snippet in the block editor on a computer (or Code in the Squarespace app), click Embed Data, and paste an embed code manually into the text field.


The custom featured image and description fields are for video embeds. If you add a custom featured image to other embedded content, your content won't display.


This section covers issues specific to the embed block. To troubleshoot embedded videos generally, visit Adding videos to your site.

Error message: Enter a valid embed URL or code

This message displays if there's an error with the embed URL or code. To fix the issue:

  1. Open the embed block.
  2. Add a valid URL or embed code.
  3. When a valid URL or code is entered, a "Successfully Located" message displays below.

If your embed code still isn't working, we recommend contacting the third-party service that provided the code for help.

Embedded content isn't displaying

As a security measure, sometimes embedded code or content doesn't appear when you're logged in. As long as the code is valid, it should display to visitors. To check that it appears to visitors, try logging out of your site and visiting it, or opening it in an incognito window.

If the content still doesn't appear, there's probably something wrong with the code. We recommend contacting the third-party service that provided the code for help.


Code-based customization falls outside the scope of our support. This means that we’re unable to help further with setup or troubleshooting. Additionally, with a code-based solution, we can’t guarantee its functionality or full compatibility with Squarespace. This includes how it functions with our responsive design, particularly its appearance on mobile devices, and if it functions on all templates. Code-based customizations can also cause display issues with future updates to our platform. While we can't help further, there are many resources that can point you in the right direction:

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