Connecting a third-party subdomain to your Squarespace site

Follow these steps to link a third-party subdomain to your site.

Last updated March 11, 2025

A subdomain is an extension of your domain name that forwards to your site. The most common subdomain is "www," as in If your domain provider supports alternate subdomains, you can also use a subdomain like, where the subdomain is "blog," to redirect to your site. The process of connecting a domain or subdomain to your site is also called mapping.

Use this guide if you're adding a subdomain to an existing third-party domain. If you have a Squarespace-managed domain, visit Creating a subdomain for your Squarespace domain.


All connected subdomains will point to the homepage and lead to your primary domain. It isn't possible to connect a subdomain to a page that isn't your homepage. 

Before you begin

  • You'll need a registered domain to set up a subdomain. You can register a domain with Squarespace, including a free custom domain if you're on the yearly plan. If you prefer to register with a third-party provider, ensure they offer Full DNS services. Examples include GoDaddyNetwork Solutions, or Dotster.
  • After you register a domain, set up your subdomain with your provider. 
  • You don't need to connect your regular domain to your site to connect a subdomain. For example, you should connect by following this guide, but you don't need to connect first.

Step 1 - Start the connection in Squarespace

To connect your domain, start in the Domains panel:

  1. Open the Domains panel.
  2. Click Use a Domain I Own.
  3. Enter the subdomain name you’re connecting in the Domain Name field, then click Continue
  4. Click Connect From Provider.


If you see a message that says "This domain is already connected to another Squarespace site," check your other Squarespace sites to find where the domain is connected. Then disconnect it from that site.

  1. Select Other from the dropdown menu. Even if your third-party provider is listed in the dropdown menu, you should still select Other to connect a subdomain.
  2. Click Connect Domain.
  3. In the message that appears, click Okay.
  4. The DNS Settings panel will open. You'll use the records in the panel to connect the subdomain. Keep this panel open for your reference.

Step 2 - Log into your domain account

Log into your domain account, and find where you manage your DNS settings. Depending on your provider, this may be called Zone File Settings, Manage Domains, Domain Manager, DNS Manager, or something similar.

Here, you'll create these records so your domain correctly links to your Squarespace site.

Step 3 - Add the first CNAME record

In the first line of your Squarespace DNS Settings, copy the unique code that appears directly below the Host column. The unique code is a random string of numbers and letters that must point to In your domain provider's DNS manager, create a CNAME with these values:



Points to

Copy and paste the unique code under Host on the first line.


  1. In the Alias or Host Name field, paste the unique code from the Domains panel (the random string of numbers and letters). Then add a period (".") at the end (with no spaces), followed by your subdomain. For example, if you're connecting, the format should be:
  2. In the Type or Record Type field, choose CNAME or CNAME Alias.
  3. In the Points To field enter


If you don't add this CNAME, or if it's entered incorrectly, the subdomain will unlink from your site after 15 days. If this happens, you can start over to reconnect the subdomain.

If you experience issues verifying your subdomain with a CNAME Record or if your domain provider doesn't support CNAME Records, try our troubleshooting steps below.

Step 4 - Add the second CNAME record

In the second line of your Squarespace DNS Settings, www appears directly below the Host column. This is the normal subdomain used for domains, but you'll point your subdomain to instead. In your provider's DNS manager, create a CNAME with these values:



Points to

your subdomain


  1. In the Alias or Host Name enter your subdomain. For example, if you're connecting, the format should be: blog
  2. In the Type or Record Type field choose CNAME or CNAME Alias
  3. In the Points to field enter

If your domain provider doesn't support CNAME records, try our troubleshooting steps below.

Step 5 - Refresh

After changing your records, return to your Squarespace DNS Settings and click Refresh records.

The Current Data column in the panel will start to update and show if your records are entered correctly. It can take up to 72 hours for this information to be processed

The www CNAME will still display as Record not found, even after the subdomain is connected.

Step 6 - Wait and test

If all records are entered correctly, your subdomain will connect to your site within 24 hours. At times, it can take up to 72 hours. Visit the Domains panel at any time to check your progress.

When the domain is correctly linked, the subdomain will direct to your Squarespace site.


Even if your subdomain directs properly you may not see a Connected label in your subdomain panel. This is normal, as the www prefix isn't recognized for subdomains.

Step 7 - Uncheck Use WWW Prefix

The final step is to disable the "www" prefix from appearing. This is only required if you've set your subdomain as your primary domain.

  1. Open the Domains panel.
  2. Click the subdomain.
  3. Ensure Use "www" prefix  toggle is switched off.


Wait until your subdomain is correctly linked to complete this step, or you may see a "WWW Prefix Toggle Failed" error message.


If you can't add CNAME records

If your domain provider doesn't support CNAME records you can use TXT records instead. You'll add two TXT records in place of the two CNAME records:

If your records aren't set up properly

If we detect that your records weren’t set up properly, your subdomain will appear in the Domains panel with the message “Can’t verify domain ownership.”

To troubleshoot, use the DNS checker tool in the Domains panel to see the exact CNAME and A records to fix with your domain provider. Click the domain in the Domains panel, then click Edit DNS. Keep these tips in mind:

  • A records pointing to IP addresses can interfere with the connection. Delete any A records pointing to a different site in your domain provider. 
  • You can ignore A records listing "Record not found" in the DNS Settings. Only CNAMEs are needed to connect a subdomain.

For more troubleshooting tips, visit Troubleshooting domain connections. You may also want to contact your domain provider for help in setting up the subdomain.

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Connecting a third-party subdomain to your Squarespace site