SEPA and activating Squarespace's free offers

When your free offers activate when paying with SEPA.

Last updated February 15, 2025

Squarespace has several free offers for specific subscriptions, like domains and the Google Workspace Starter plan. How you redeem the offers may change when you purchase subscriptions using Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA).

Review this guide to learn more about when your free offers activate when you pay with SEPA. 

Domains offer

Your free domain offer won’t activate until after your website or domain subscription payment settles. It doesn’t matter if you purchase your domain or website subscription first. This helps ensure the domain offer is automatically applied to your account.

To find if your free domain offer is active, open the Domains panel. Click Get a domain, and search for a domain. The offer is active if Free appears next to the domain you searched for.

Google Workspace offer

Your free Google Workspace offer won’t activate until after your website subscription payment settles. After you upgrade to a qualifying website plan, wait until your website subscription payment settles before you sign up for Google Workspace.

To find if your Google Workspace offer is active, open the Google Workspace panel. The offer is active if Free appears when you choose the Google Workspace Starter plan.

If you’re not sure if your free offers are activated, contact us.

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SEPA and activating Squarespace's free offers