Adding related posts links

Help visitors explore your content by displaying links to other related posts to your blog posts.

Last updated March 1, 2023

Adding related post links to your blog posts is a great way to engage readers and help them explore your content. You can create this look using summary blocks. On version 7.0, some blog-focused templates have built-in features for creating related posts links.

Related posts work best at the bottom of blog posts, where they entice visitors to read other relevant content. When visitors click a related post link, the post opens in the same browser tab.

For general information on adding and managing blog posts, visit Blogging with Squarespace.

Use a summary block

Summary blocks filter and present content on your site in a magazine-style layout. To generate related posts, first add a specific category or tag to the blog posts you want to display under related posts. Then, add a summary block to your blog post.

To add a category or tag to your related posts:

  1. Open a blog post's settings.
  2. Add a category or tag. We recommend using something that's easy for you to remember. Keep in mind, depending on your site and its settings, this may be visible to visitors.
  3. Repeat for every post you want to display in the related posts summary block. You can also create multiple categories or tags for different sets of related posts.

Step 2 - Add a summary block to the post

To display the related posts in a summary block:

  1. Click Edit on the blog post where you want the related posts to display and scroll to the bottom of the content.
  2. Click an insert point to add a summary block.
  3. In the Content tab, click Select a Page, then select the blog page with the related posts.
  4. Click Primary Metadata and Secondary Metadata to choose what metadata displays with each post in the block.
  5. Click Filter Items to choose a category or tag related to the current content.
  6. In the Design tab, customize how the block will appear. You can choose Wall, Carousel, List or Grid, depending on how you want your related posts to display. If you’re using the Carousel layout, you can use the Header Text field to add a title, such as “Related Posts.” Otherwise, use a text block to add a title.
  7. Use the Number of Items slider to choose the number of related posts that appear.
  8. Each layout has its own design options. For a detailed explanation of each setting, visit summary blocks.

When you’re finished creating your blog post, click Save to save the post as a draft, or click Save & Publish to share the post immediately. Repeat these steps for every blog post where you want to display related post links.



Accessing this feature

This option is only supported by certain templates on version 7.0. If your site is on version 7.1, use a summary block. If your site is on version 7.0, you can switch to one of these templates or use a summary block.

These template families use a built-in algorithm to display related posts automatically at the bottom of each blog post:

To disable or re-enable related posts, open the blog page’s settings and check or uncheck Enable Related Items in the Advanced tab.

Each related post link displays the post featured image, publication date, and title.

Which related posts display depends on your blog page content, but the template considers these attributes when choosing posts:

  • Blog post titles
  • Text in text blocks
  • Tags
  • Categories

This search generates two or more related posts, depending on the template. Related posts will become more accurate as you continue to add content to your blog page.

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Related posts are automatically generated on these templates. It isn't possible to edit or change related post links. For more control over which posts display, disable related posts and use the summary block method above.

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