Bandsintown blocks

Display concert dates and ticketing links from your Bandsintown account on your site.

Last updated July 10, 2023

Use Bandsintown blocks to display tour, festival, or live stream dates from your Bandsintown profile. Visitors can RSVP to concerts, buy tickets, join live stream shows, and get notified about future shows through links in the block.

Bandsintown blocks are designed to match the look of your site, making them a great alternative to third-party widgets.


It's not possible to edit the Bandsintown block's content directly. Set the dates, text, and buttons that appear in your Bandsintown account.

Add a Bandsintown block

To add a Bandsintown block:

  1. Edit a page or post, click Add Block or an insert point, then click Bandsintown. For help, visit Adding content with blocks.
  2. Open the block editor by clicking the pencil icon on the block.
  3. Enter your Band Name exactly as it appears in your Bandsintown account. If the wrong profile appears in the block after entering your Band Name, try entering your artist ID instead. 
  4. In the Timeframe to Show drop-down menu, select Upcoming to only display future events or Date Range to display all events within specified start and end dates, including past events. If your site is on version 7.0, click Apply to publish your changes.

Bandsintown blocks look like the example below.


Style the Bandsintown block

You can change the Bandsintown text font and color, and customize the style of the buttons.

Text font and color

Use the Site styles panel to change the text font and color. The text font and color follow paragraph or body text tweaks. Text size is fixed to maintain the layout of the block.

Keep in mind, different types of text in the block follow the same tweaks. For example, it's not possible to style the date text separately from show details. To learn more, visit Making style changes.

Button design

Use the Site styles panel to change the button design, including its color and shape. Button size and button text size is fixed to maintain the layout of the block, but will increase or decrease somewhat to accommodate different fonts. To learn more, visit Styling buttons.

Next steps

Connect your account to your site to add a Bandsintown social icon.

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