What's my site's version and template?

Find your site's version and template family in the Pages panel.

Last updated March 5, 2025

To check your site's version, open the Pages panel for your site and scroll to the bottom of the panel. If you're on version 7.0, your site's template name also appears.

About families and versions

When reading our guides, it's helpful to know your site's version, so you can find the right information for your site.

If you're in version 7.0, it's also helpful to know the name of your template's family. All templates in a family share the same features and style options. For example, if your template is in the Brine family, any information about the Brine template applies to your site.

Version 7.1 templates

All templates in 7.1 are part of the same template family and have the same features and style options. Review the template options in the 7.1 template store. You can choose from different templates or build your own template with Squarespace Blueprint AI to provide a starting point for your site's layout and inspiration for your design.

After you've chosen a template and started a trial, your template's name won't display in the Pages panel, but a version 7.1 label appears.

It's not possible to switch templates on version 7.1, but you can customize it to fit your exact needs.

Fluid Engine or classic editor

Version 7.1 sites have two different editing systems, depending on what area of the site you're editing. Most block sections, including in your footer, use Fluid Engine, our latest page editing experience. Blog posts, events, and product additional information use our classic editor.

Template families in version 7.0

A "family" is a group of templates that all have the same underlying structure, style options, and special features. In version 7.0, there are ten families with multiple templates. For example, the Bedford family has four templates: Anya, Bryant, Bedford, and Hayden.

This list shows all 7.0 templates in these families. Some templates are discontinued. To learn more about a template family, visit our in-depth template guides. To learn more about how 7.1 treats templates, review the section above.

If you started a trial on 7.1, but prefer to use one of our old designs, visit the version 7.0 template store and start a new trial.

Family Templates in that family
Adirondack Adirondack
Avenue Avenue
Aviator Aubrey, Aviator, Encore
Bedford Anya, Bedford, Bryant, Hayden
Brine Aria, Basil, Blend, Brine, Burke, Cacao, Clay, Custom Template, Ethan, Fairfield, Feed, Foster, Greenwich, Hatch, Heights, Hunter, Hyde, Impact, Jaunt, Juke, Keene, Kin, Lincoln, Maple, Margot, Marta, Mentor, Mercer, Miller, Mojave, Moksha, Motto, Nueva, Pedro, Polaris, Pursuit, Rally, Rover, Royce, Sofia, Sonny, Sonora, Stella, Thorne, Vow, Wav, West
Farro Farro, Haute
Five Five
Flatiron Flatiron
Forte Forte
Galapagos Galapagos
Ishimoto Ishimoto
Marquee (discontinued) Adversary, Alex, Eamon, Ginger, Marquee, Mint, Shift
Momentum Momentum
Montauk Julia, Kent, Montauk, Om
Native Native
Pacific Bryler, Charlotte, Horizon, Naomi, Pacific
Skye Foundry, Indigo, Ready, Skye, Tudor
Supply Supply
Tremont Camino, Carson, Henson, Tremont
Wells Wells
Wexley Wexley
York Artesia, Flores, Harris, Jasper, Jones, Lange, Shibori, Taylor, York

Squarespace 5 looks different

If a left panel doesn't appear when you log into your site, you may be using our legacy platform, Squarespace 5. For more help, visit Squarespace 5 vs newer versions.


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What's my site's version and template?