Styling videos pages

Customize your site’s videos pages and video detail pages.

Last updated January 30, 2025

You can customize videos pages to match your brand and style. Use this guide to find the formatting and style options for your videos pages and video details pages.

Videos pages are a new feature we're releasing to customers in waves. If you don't see the videos page as an option in your Pages panel, check again later.

For tips on accessibility, visit Making audio, images, and videos more accessible

Accessing this feature

This guide is for version 7.1. Videos pages aren't supported on version 7.0.

Videos page vs. video details page

Videos pages are organized in two parts: the main videos page, which creates a browsable landing page for your video library, and individual video details pages where visitors play your videos. These areas share some style tweaks and have their own style options.

Open the style options

You change the videos page and video details page style options in two places:

  • Videos page - Click Edit on the video page, then click the pencil icon on the videos page section.
  • Video details page - Click the video you want to style on the videos page to open its video details page. Click Edit, then click the pencil icon. All video details pages on a videos page share the same style settings. Other videos pages can have different style settings for their video details pages.

Videos page

Visitors to your videos page see all your videos' featured images in a grid. In the videos section styles, you can customize the following details.


  • Horizontal spacing
  • Vertical spacing
  • Title spacing
  • Meta spacing - Change the spacing between a video's meta content, like categories and dates.
  • Show description - Hide or display the description of each video.
  • Primary meta content - Choose what meta content displays first (Category, Date, or None).
  • Secondary meta content - Choose what meta content desplays second (Category, Date, or None).
  • Categories type - Choose if the category navigation appears in a sidebar or at the top of the videos page. It's not possible to hide the category navigation.
  • Show category separator - Hide or display a line between each category in the category navigation. This option only appears if the Categories type is set to Top.
  • Image placement - Choose if each video's featured image appears above or below the video title, description, and meta content.
  • Image spacing
  • Text alignment
  • Delimiter style - Style the icon separating a video's meta content (Bullet, Pipe, Dash, or Space).
  • Text content width


Set your site's colors, or give the videos section a unique look by choosing a different section theme.

Video details page

By default, your video displays at the top of the video details page, with the video title, description, and any meta content below. If you add a custom featured image to an uploaded video, it overlays the video before the video is played. Your video always displays full width on the video details page. You can customize the following style elements on video details pages.


  • Text alignment
  • Meta position - Choose if meta content appears above or below the video title.
  • Show categories - Hide or display the video's categories.
  • Show date - Hide or display the video's publication date.
  • Delimiter style - Style the icon separating a video's meta content (Bullet, Pipe, Dash, or Space).
  • Header spacing - Change the vertical spacing between the video title and description. 
  • Pagination arrow display - Show or hide the arrows linking to the next and previous videos.
  • Pagination title display - Show or hide the titles linking to the next and previous videos.
  • Related videos - Show or hide related videos on all the video details pages of this videos page.


Set your site's colors, or give your video details pages a unique look by choosing a different section theme.

Category navigation

Adding categories to your videos creates a navigation menu on your videos page. Visitors can use these links to filter the videos they're interested in. Keep in mind that category navigation:

  • Only displays after you've added at least one category
  • Doesn't display when you click into a video details page
  • Displays all categories you've added to the page, even those not currently added to any videos

Category navigation displays at the top of your videos page or in a sidebar. You can change the navigation menu position by opening the videos section styles on your videos page and using the Categories type slider to choose Sidebar or Top.

To hide a category from category navigation, open the category's settings and switch off the toggle beside Filter visibility. To hide the top category (named All by default), open the page settings and switch off the toggle beside Filter visibility in the General tab.

To learn more about creating and editing video categories, visit Organizing videos pages.

Fonts and colors

Colors and fonts on the videos page and video details pages follow your site-wide font and color tweaks. You can also change the color theme of the videos page and video details page in their section style editors.

Use the Color tweaks under Videos: basic grid to style videos pages, and the tweaks under Video: item to style video details pages.


On mobile devices or tablets, videos on videos pages stack vertically. The category navigation always displays at the top of the page. When navigation can't fit on one line, it displays as a horizontal scrolling list visitors can swipe through.

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