Organizing videos pages

Structure and arrange video content using categories, dropdowns, and links.

Last updated March 5, 2025

After you add a videos page to your site and upload or embed a series of videos on that page, create a clear structure to this new video library so your customers can find the content they need. This guide explains how to rearrange content in a videos page and organize your videos with categories.

Videos pages are a new feature we're releasing to customers in waves. If you don't see the videos page as an option in your Pages panel, check again later.

Accessing this feature

This guide is for version 7.1. Videos pages aren't supported on version 7.0.

Where videos display

Videos can display in three areas, which have different display options:

  • Videos pages - Browsable grid of videos. You can use categories to help visitors navigate your videos.
  • Video details pages - A page displaying a single video, along with its title, description, and any meta content. Visitors to your site can only play a video from its corresponding video details page.
  • Summary blocks - A block you can add to any page that displays a selection of videos from your videos page in a variety of layouts.

Videos pages

A videos page is a browsable library of videos. Every published video you add to a videos page appears in a grid. Clicking a video's featured image opens its details page, where you can play the video and find more information about it.

Reorder videos

To change the order in which videos display on your videos page:

  1. Open the Pages panel and click a videos page.
  2. In the side panel, click All to change the order of videos in the unfiltered view, or click the name of a category to rearrange the videos in a filtered category.
  3. In the panel, click and drag a video to move it into place. Alternatively, click beside a video, then use these actions to move it:
    • Send to top - Move the video to the top of the panel. This video will appear first in your videos page or in its filtered category.
    • Send to bottom - Move the video to the bottom of the panel. This video will appear last in your videos page or in its filtered category.
    • Move - Move the video to another videos page. To learn more, visit Moving collection items between pages.

Video details pages

Every video has its own details page where visitors can play the video and find more information about it, such as a title, description, and publication date.

Learn how to select what meta content appears on video details pages in Styling videos pages. To show other videos your visitors might like below the video details, enable related videos.

Summary blocks

Summary blocks pull videos from a videos page and display them on other pages on your site. To learn more, visit Summary blocks.

If you have a Digital Products subscription and placed your videos page behind a paywall, you can use summary blocks to preview and promote gated videos on your public site. When a visitor clicks the video, they'll be prompted to log in or purchase a membership to watch the video.

Video categories

Add categories to your videos to help visitors find what they're looking for in your video library. Categories automatically create a category navigation on your videos page.


You can also link to categories from your site's main navigation or with image clickthrough URLs. To style the category navigation, visit Styling videos pages.

Manage video categories

To locate your videos page categories:

  1. Open the Pages panel.
  2. Hover over the videos page and click the gear icon to open page settings.
  3. Click Categories.

In the category manager, a list of all the categories you've previously created in this videos page appears under a search bar. Type an existing category name in the search bar to locate it in the list, or type a new category name and press Enter to add it.

The order of categories in this tab sets the order of your category navigation on the videos page. Click and drag categories to reorder them. To reorder videos in a category, go back to the videos page, click a category, then click and drag the videos in the side panel.

Edit or delete video categories

To edit a category’s name and settings:

  1. In the category manager, hover over a category and click .
  2. To delete a category, click Delete.
  3. To edit a category, click Edit.
  4. Make the changes, then click Back.

You can change these settings:

  • Name - The name that appears in the category navigation
  • URL slug - The URL of the filtered page that displays all videos in a category
  • Enable page - Enable or disable a filtered category page
  • Filter visibility - Hide the category from the category navigation
  • Add to your main navigation - Creates a link to the category in your site's main navigation

Rename or hide the top category

By default, a top category (named All by default) displays in the category navigation. When visitors click this category, it displays all the videos on your videos page, rather than filtering by a specific category.

To rename or hide this category:

  1. Open the Pages panel.
  2. Hover over the videos page and click the gear icon to open page settings.
  3. In the General tab, scroll down and click into the Top Category Name field to rename it. 
  4. Switch the Filter visibility toggle off to hide the top category.
  5. Click Save.

More ways to organize videos

Visit these guides for more options for displaying or linking to videos page categories:

In this guide

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