Managing members

Use the Contacts panel to keep track of your members.

Last updated December 16, 2024

We automatically create a member contact for each visitor who signs up for a membership to one of your pricing plans. You can view and manage members in the Contacts panel. Under Lists & Segments, click Members to:

  • Identify all members of a pricing plan
  • View key information like membership history, email address, and total money spent
  • Organize members using notes and tags


It's not possible to restrict a visitor from signing up for your member site. While you can cancel their membership and delete their account, they can sign up again.

View member contacts

All member contacts display an email address and name. To view all members:

  1. Open the Lists & Segments panel.
  2. Click Members.
  3. Sort the list by details like name and email address.
  4. Click a member for their Member details, which lists all their memberships.
  5. Click Full Profile for a complete overview of their contact information and site engagement.

When a pricing plan has recurring subscription or fixed amount pricing, its members also appear in the Customers smart segment of the Lists & Segments panel.

Issue a membership refund

To issue a refund to a member for their membership:

  1. Open the Content & Memberships panel and click Orders.
  2. Select the order to open the order details.
  3. Click Issue refund, then enter the amount, and click Issue refund.

The member will receive a refund for the amount specified, but won’t lose membership to your pricing plan.

Cancel a membership

To cancel someone’s membership to one or more of your pricing plans:

  1. Open the Lists & Segments panel.
  2. Click Members, then search for the member by name or email address.
  3. Click the member.
  4. Under Memberships, locate the pricing plan you want to cancel their membership to, then click Remove From Membership.
  5. Click Confirm.

When you cancel someone's membership, they lose access to the gated content in your pricing plan immediately. If you want them to keep access to the gated content until the end of their billing cycle, help them cancel their own membership instead.

If you cancel someone's membership, they can sign back up for your pricing plan by visiting your sign-up page and paying for membership (if applicable).

Help members with their customer accounts

You're responsible for managing your members and helping them with any issues they may have when accessing their customer accounts. Learn more about our best practices for helping your members in the Help your account holders section of our customer accounts guide.

Customer account confusion

Members log into their accounts using a login link in your site's main navigation. If a visitor clicks the login link prior to signing up for a digital product, they can create an account first. Some visitors create an account instead of signing up for a pricing plan. Or after creating an account, visitors then sign up for a pricing plan and use a different email address.

Here are some tips to help your members in these situations:

  • Encourage your visitors to log into their existing account when signing up for a digital product. If they've forgotten their password, they can recover their password by clicking the login link.
  • Add a digital product block and text to your homepage to encourage visitors to sign up when they first land on your site. 
  • It's not possible to move a pricing plan from one customer account to another. If your customer has two accounts and wants to only use one, you can delete an account if the account hasn't made a purchase or signed up for a pricing plan on your site.
  • If many of your visitors create accounts before signing up, you can hide the login link in your site's navigation. We don't recommend this method, as the login link is a popular way for visitors to create accounts and become customers. If you hide the login link, build a manual login link into your site.

Saved payment methods

Members who pay for recurring subscription or fixed-amount pricing plans with installments need to save a payment method to their customer account. Only members can edit their saved payment information. You can't edit this information on their behalf. To learn more about how members save and change payment methods, visit How customers use customer accounts.


If your member's bank is located in India and their membership renewal or installment payment fails, ask them to update their saved payment method in their customer account. They'll need to do this for every pricing plan payment failure.

Contributor email notifications

Contributors with site owner, administrator, and store manager permissions receive email notifications when:

  • A new or existing member signs up for or purchases a pricing plan
  • A member pays the recurring cost for a pricing plan
  • A member's payment of an ongoing pricing plan (either subscription or installment) fails.
  • A member cancels their membership

Contact a member

To contact a member:

  1. Open the Lists & Segments panel.
  2. Click Members.
  3. Click the member you want to contact.
  4. Click their email address to open a new email.

To send a blast campaign to multiple members at the same time, build a mailing list of your members and create an email campaign.

Migrate members

You can’t sign someone up for a pricing plan on their behalf. Each member needs to personally sign up for a membership and establish their own customer account with an email address and password. It's not possible to create or import member contacts manually.

If you currently use a third-party extension to sell access to gated content, or you’re migrating to Squarespace from another platform that has a similar feature, your members will need to re-establish their memberships. Contact your former members to inform them of this change, and invite them to sign up for access to your digital products. To ensure a smooth transition for your members, consider the options below.

Offer discounted membership

Create a discount code to give your former members discounted or free memberships to individual pricing plans on your site. You may want to set a date for when the discount expires, and let your former members know that they have until that time to use the code. Any members who miss the deadline would then have to pay the full membership cost to regain access to your digital products.

If you have a Commerce Advanced plan, you can limit the maximum number of uses per discount to prevent members from over-using the discount code.

Give exclusive early access

Before you publicly advertise your digital products, password protect a page on your site that contains digital product blocks for your pricing plans, then send the password to your old members. Set the pricing plan to free for a limited time, and let your old members know how much time they have to sign up for free.

At the end of that time period, remove the page password, change the pricing plan, and begin promoting your digital products to new members.

Send an email campaign about the change

Build a mailing list with all your old members and create an email campaign. Then send a message with instructions on how to sign up for your new pricing plans. If you created a discount code or password protected a sign-up page, include this information in your email blast.

This sample message walks your longtime visitors through signing up with a discount code:

We’re using a new feature for hiding members-only pages on our site. To continue engaging with the content you previously purchased access to, sign up for one of our new pricing plans. You don’t have to purchase access again, use the discount code FREEMEMBER2026 when signing up to reinstate your access for free. You have until December 31, 2026 to use this discount code. After that date, you’ll have to pay the membership cost again to access our gated content.

To sign up:

  1. Visit our sign-up page.
  2. Locate the pricing plan you want to join, then click Sign up.
  3. Fill out the form and click Create account.
  4. Enter the discount code FREEMEMBER2026 at checkout.

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