Squarespace keyboard shortcuts and tips

Tips and tricks to navigate Squarespace and accomplish common tasks using a keyboard instead of a mouse.

Last updated January 8, 2024

Use these shortcuts to navigate and manage your Squarespace site. These tips and tricks are useful when you'd rather not click through menus to accomplish common tasks.

Use these shortcuts to log in and get around when editing your Squarespace site. These won't work in certain products or panels where you aren't directly editing or viewing site content, such as Profiles, Email Campaigns, and Scheduling.

  Mac  Windows

Open/close the full preview

⌘ + Shift + P Ctrl + Shift + P

Hide/show the Home menu

Esc Esc

Return to the Home menu

Double-click the arrow at the top of any panel or click the Squarespace icon in the top-left.

Double-click the arrow at the top of any panel or click the Squarespace icon in the top-left.

Search for a panel

/ or ?

Search for a panel, like domains or connected accounts.

If your browser uses the same shortcut, your cursor may default to your browser's search field.

/ or ?

Search for a panel, like domains or connected accounts.

If your browser uses the same shortcut, your cursor may default to your browser's search field.

Navigate panels and site content

Use these shortcuts to navigate and select elements on your site or in panels on the left side of the screen:

  • Press Tab to highlight an element.
  • Press Shift + Tab to move back to a previously highlighted element.
  • Press Space to select the element or content that's highlighted.
  • Press Enter/Return while a block is selected to open its menu.
  • Press Esc to close a block's menu.

A focus outline or Skip to Content message may also appear. To learn more, visit Making your Squarespace site more accessible.

Fluid Engine

Use these shortcuts when moving and editing content in Fluid Engine.

  Mac Windows
Select a block Tab Tab
Select previous block Shift + Tab Shift + Tab
Select all blocks in a section ⌘ + A Ctrl + A
Delete selected block(s) Delete Delete
Move block Arrow keys Arrow keys
Resize block ⌘ + arrow keys Ctrl + arrow keys
Symmetrically resize block ⌘ + Shift + arrow keys Ctrl + Shift + arrow keys

Move block forward or backward

Shift + up/down arrow key Shift + up/down arrow key
Move block up or down (mobile view) Option + up/down arrow key Alt + up/down arrow key
Duplicate block ⌘ + D Ctrl + D
Copy block ⌘ + C Ctrl + C
Paste block ⌘ + V Ctrl + V
Show grid G G

Text formatting

Use these shortcuts to format text in text blocks, image blocks, or an email campaign:

  Mac Windows
Add a link ⌘ + K Ctrl + K
Paragraph 3 (version 7.1 only) ⌘ + Option + 0 Ctrl + Alt + 0
Paragraph 2/Normal ⌘ + Option + 1 Ctrl + Alt + 1
Paragraph 1 (version 7.1 only) ⌘ + Option + 2 Ctrl + Alt + 2
Heading 4 (version 7.1 only) ⌘ + Option + 3 Ctrl + Alt + 3
Heading 3 ⌘ + Option + 4 Ctrl + Alt + 4
Heading 2 ⌘ + Option + 5 Ctrl + Alt + 5
Heading 1 ⌘Option + 6 Ctrl + Alt + 6
Bold ⌘ + B Ctrl + B


⌘ + I Ctrl + I


⌘ + U Ctrl + U

Left Align

Shift + ⌘ + L Shift + Ctrl + L

Center Align

Shift + ⌘ + E Shift + Ctrl + E

Right Align

Shift + ⌘ + R Shift + Ctrl + R


⌘ + Z Ctrl + Z


⌘ + Y
+ Shift + Z
Ctrl + Shift + Z

Paste as plain text

⌘ + Shift + V Ctrl + Shift + V

Increase text indent

⌘ + ] Ctrl + ]

Decrease text indent

⌘ + [ Ctrl + [

Increase list bullet indent

Tab Tab

Decrease list bullet indent

Shift + Tab Shift + Tab

Page editing

Use these shortcuts when adding content in the Pages panel.

  Mac and Windows

Add a blog post, product, event, or another collection item

When a collection page is open:


Find a block

When adding a block, search at the top of the Block Menu instead of scrolling. For example, try image, audio, or summary.

Resize an image incrementally

Press and hold Shift while dragging an image block cropping handle to resize the image in 20-pixel increments for more precise resizing.

Site style changes

Use these shortcuts when styling your site in the Design panel.

Find a color When changing colors, use HTML color names in addition to HEX, RBG/RBGa, or HSL/HSLA codes.
Find a style tweak (version 7.0)

On version 7.0, at the top of site styles, you can search for style settings, like padding ornavigation.

Acuity Scheduling

Use these shortcuts to navigate Acuity.

  Mac and Windows

Hide/show the left menu

Shift + M

Block off time

Shift + B

Schedule a new appointment

Shift + N

Open the client scheduling page

Shift + S

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Squarespace keyboard shortcuts and tips