Creating anchor links

Send visitors to specific sections with built-in anchor links

Last updated February 28, 2025

An anchor link (or “page jump”) is a special URL that takes you to a specific place on a page. For example, the table of contents in this guide contains anchor links that take you to each heading.

After setting up a built-in anchor link in a page section, you can link visitors to the top of that section regardless of where it is on the page. This is useful when you want to highlight specific sections for visitors, or make important information more accessible.

Accessing this feature

Page section anchor links are supported on version 7.1. If your site is on version 7.0, you can manually create anchor links in content areas with code blocks, or use built-in index page anchor links in some templates.

Supported sections

You can set up anchor links in the following page sections:


It’s not possible to add anchor links to blog, events, portfolio, or store sections, but you can create an anchor link in a blank section above an unsupported section for similar behavior.

When setting up an anchor link, you’ll first create the anchor link slug in the page section editor. This generates the URL that you’ll then use to link visitors to the section.

To set up the anchor link slug:

  1. Click Edit on a page, then hover over the section you want to link to and click Edit Section.
  2. Under Anchor Link, add the anchor link slug in the text field. This field includes a hashtag that can't be deleted, as it's a required part of the slug, and automatically changes spaces to dashes.
  3. Click the Copy Link icon to add the anchor link URL to your clipboard. The copied URL uses your primary domain. If you don’t have a custom domain, the URL uses your built-in domain.

Next, use the copied URL to create the link that visitors will click to get to the page section. You can use any type of link, but for this example we’ll use a text link:

  1. Add a text block to a content area elsewhere on the page. For detailed steps, visit Adding content with blocks.
  2. Type the text you want to link, highlight it, and click the link icon in the text block toolbar.
  3. Under URL, paste the copied URL from step 1. It should look like this:
  1. If you want the link to open in a new tab, switch the Open link in new tab toggle on.
  2. Press Enter.

Step 3 - Save and publish

Click Save to publish your changes. The link you created in step 2 now takes visitors to the page section where you created the anchor link slug in step 1.

You can link to the top or bottom of a page using page section anchor links.

Linking to the top of a page is useful if your page content is long and you want to give visitors a convenient way to return to your navigation.

To link to the top of a page:

  1. Add an anchor link slug to the first section on a page as described in step 1. You may want to use top as your slug text.
  2. Add a link to the bottom of the page as described in step 2 and ensure the Open link in new tab toggle is off. You may want to use Back to top as the link text.
  3. Click Save.

Linking to the bottom of a page is useful if you want visitors to find information or interact with something in your footer, like a newsletter block.

To link to the bottom of a page:

  1. Add an anchor link slug to the last section on the page or to a section in your site’s footer as described in step 1. You may want to use bottom as your slug text.
  2. Add the link where you want it as described in step 2 and ensure the Open link in new tab toggle is off. You may want to use Go to footer as the link text.
  3. Click Save.

You can't directly link to the section types that don’t support anchor link slugs. However, you can create a similar effect by linking to a section directly above the unsupported section:

  1. Add a blank section above the section you want to link to.
  2. Follow the steps above to set up the anchor link to lead to the blank section.
  3. To avoid a gap created by the blank section, click the blank section, then Edit Section, and toggle Fill Screen off.
  4. Click Save.

Limitations and best practices

Anchor links can be a powerful tool for helping visitors navigate through your site, but it’s good to keep some things in mind:

  • Slugs can only be used once per page. Multiple page sections using the same anchor link slug on the same page won’t work correctly.
  • The text for your slug can be anything you want, but can’t include spaces. The anchor link field automatically changes spaces to dashes when you enter the slug name.
  • When a visitor clicks an anchor link, the anchor link slug appears at the end of the site’s URL in the browser address bar. Ensure your slug is something you don’t mind being visible to visitors.
  • If you change your primary domain, page slug, or anchor link slug in the future, ensure you update your links to match. Anchor links won’t work correctly with outdated URLs.

Page sections and their anchor links aren’t supported on version 7.0, but there are other ways to set up anchor links, depending on your site:

  • Code blocks - You can manually set up anchor links in any content area with code blocks.
  • Index page anchor links - Some templates include built-in anchor links with their index pages, which work similarly to page section anchor links.
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