RSS blocks

Add an icon that links to your RSS feed for visitors to follow your latest blog content.

Last updated February 22, 2023

Use RSS blocks to add links to an RSS feed of your blog page. RSS blocks display an RSS icon and the blog page's title.

Clicking the icon opens a new page or window with the blog's RSS feed. The exact behavior depends on your browser. Visitors can copy and paste the URL into any RSS reader.

Add an RSS block

To add an RSS block:

  1. Edit a page or post, click Add Block or an insert point, then click RSS. For help, visit Adding content with blocks.
  2. Open the block editor by clicking the pencil icon on the block.
  3. In the block editor, select the blog page you want to feature. If your site is on version 7.0, click Apply to publish your changes.

Add a replacement FeedBurner URL (optional)

We recommend adding a FeedBurner URL to your blog page so clicking the RSS block opens a FeedBurner page instead of an .xml file. This looks a little cleaner than a standard RSS feed page and makes it easier for visitors to add your feed to their readers.

To add a replacement URL:

  1. Visit and log in with a Google account.
  2. Enter your blog or RSS URL. For help, visit Finding your RSS URL.
  3. Click Next.
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  1. Enter a title and URL for your feed.
  2. Click Next again, then copy your Feedburner URL. 
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  1. On your Squarespace site, hover over the blog page title and click next to the title.
  2. Click the Feeds tab.
  3. Paste your Feedburner URL in the RSS Feed Replacement URL field.
  4. Click Save.


To create an email newsletter from your blog posts, visit Adding email subscriptions to your blog.

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