Creating shipping zones

Limit your shipping options to specific countries, cities, and zip codes.

Last updated June 10, 2024

To limit where you ship products or set shipping fees based on location, follow this guide to create regional shipping zones. After your store has shipping zones, customers will see their shipping options after they enter a shipping address.

Run a test order to ensure your shipping options are correct.

Before you begin

About shipping zones

For each shipping rule you want to apply to a country, state, province, or city, you’ll add a new shipping option. For each shipping option, you'll choose one or more shipping zones.

For example, if you want to charge $5 to ship to the United States, and $10 to ship anywhere else in the world, you might create:

  • One $5 flat rate option with the shipping zones set to United States.
  • Another $10 flat rate option with the shipping zones set to Rest of the world.

Choose shipping zones

When creating a new shipping option, you'll be prompted to select shipping zones. Click the search bar under Ships To to open the country drop-down menu.

When choosing a shipping zone, there are two options:

  • Ship everywhere - To ship everywhere, choose Rest of the World. This option excludes countries you've created specific shipping rules for.
  • Ship to specific countries - Search for countries, and add each country where you’ll offer this shipping method. For some countries, you can choose specific states, regions, provinces, cities, and postal codes.

To edit existing shipping options:

  1. Open the Shipping panel
  2. Open a shipping method, and click the Shipping Zones tab.



Create regional and local shipping zones

We support state, province, city, and postal code-specific shipping options for the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • France
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • United States
  • United Kingdom

Shipping zones by state and province 

When you add a country, the shipping option will apply to all states and provinces automatically. To limit it to specific states:

  1. Next to the country, click Edit.
  2. Uncheck the states or provinces where the shipping option won’t be available. 
  3. Click Save.

Uncheck All States/Provinces to deselect all.



Shipping zones by city 

When you select a state or province for a country, shipping zones apply to all postal codes within the state or province automatically. To apply shipping zones to specific cities and postal codes within a state or province:

  1. In the Shipping Zones tab, click Edit beside the country. 
  2. Hover over a state or province, then click Add ZIP Codes or Add FSAs
  3. Enter the postal codes where the shipping option will apply within that state, separated by commas, then click Done. There's a limit of 999 zip codes per shipping rule.
  4. When you’re finished adding all states and postal codes, click Done.
  5. In the shipping rule panel, click Save.
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