Creating a pull quote by wrapping text in the classic editor

Highlight impactful text by creating a pull quote.

Last updated February 16, 2025

You can create pull quotes in Squarespace's classic editor by dragging text blocks into other text blocks. You may refer to this action as wrapping text around text or floating text blocks.

A pull quote is a quotation or excerpt from a page that stands apart from the rest of the content. They can break up long pieces of text and can make a page more visually interesting when set at a different size or font.

A pull quote works differently than the blockquote option in a text block or a quote block. Text formatted as a blockquote or added to a quote block has its own formatting. Pull quotes, however, can be formatted in any way you can format a text block.

You might use pull quotes to share:

  • The most important information from a business document
  • The best quotes from an interview
  • Customer testimonials for a product

Accessing this feature

This guide is about a design option only available in the classic editor. It's not possible to wrap text around other blocks in Fluid Engine.

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Add and format the text

The first step is adding text for the pull quote:

  1. Create a new text block and add the text you'll use for the pull quote. Ensure the pull quote is in its own text block and not part of another.
  2. Highlight the text, then select a format from the drop-down menu. Version 7.1 sites have multiple paragraph formatting options to help text stand out. If your site is on version 7.0, we recommend selecting a heading format to stand out from the normal text.

If you use a heading format, ensure your pull quote includes content important to the page, like keywords, as it can impact your SEO.



Place the pull quote

Next, we'll drag and drop the text block into place.

  1. Hover over the edge of the block until your cursor becomes a hand icon.
  2. Click and drag the block to move it around the page.
  3. As you drag the block, the guideline will appear as a gray box to show where the block will appear in the text. Drop it in the position you prefer. Learn more about moving blocks in our guide.

If your text blocks have merged, add a spacer block to separate them. You can delete it afterward.



The pull quote will look like this:



If you have multiple pull quotes, we recommend using the same format option for each to keep the look consistent.

Style the pull quote

You might want to give the pull quote a different font color or style to help it stand out. You can do this in the design panel.

  1. While on the page you're editing, open site styles, then click Fonts to make font changes.
  2. Click Site styles, then click Colors to make color changes.
  3. Click Save to save your changes and keep editing, or click Exit and then Save to close the editor.
  1. While on the page you're editing, return to the Website panel.
  2. Click Design, then click Site styles.
  3. Use the style tweaks in the site styles panel to style the text for that quote. For example, if you formatted the quote as heading 3 text, change the Heading 3 tweak.

Float other blocks in text

You can float any type of block in a text block for a text wrapping effect. You may want to do this with an image block, for example, to break up large amounts of text.

To do this, click and drag the block over a text block. A gray box appears where the block will appear in the text. Follow the steps earlier in the guide for more details.

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Creating a pull quote by wrapping text in the classic editor