Squarespace Logo

Create custom logos for free and download them as high-resolution images.

Last updated August 8, 2024

Squarespace Logo is a tool that helps anyone create a logo without hiring a graphic designer. You can use Squarespace Logo to create a logo for your site or business, even if you don’t have a Squarespace account yet. If you have a Squarespace account, you can download high-resolution logos for free.

After creating a logo, you can use it for your site logo or favicon.

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About the icons

The icon library in Squarespace Logo is from an integration with the Noun Project, a global community of designers. Using our logo-making tool, you’ll create your own image featuring an icon and custom text.

Before you use your new logo outside of a Squarespace site, review the licensing details for your icon. Click the icon author’s link in the bottom-right corner of the logo editor, then find your icon. Learn more in the Noun Project’s documentation.

The Noun Project is a third-party service, meaning your use of its icons is subject to their terms. Learn more in our Terms of Service.

How it works

Here’s how it works at a glance:

  1. Add a company name, optional tagline, and icon.
  2. Customize it by moving around each part and adjusting fonts, colors, and sizes.
  3. Experiment until you create a design you love.
  4. Download your logo files. You can download black, white, and color versions. All versions are .png files with transparent backgrounds.

Watch the video above or scroll down for detailed steps. For common questions, skip to FAQ or Troubleshooting.


If you have a Squarespace 7 account, you can download high-resolution logos for free regardless of your plan. Logos aren't free for Squarespace 5 accounts.

Step 1 - Add a name, tagline, and icon

Go to Squarespace Logo and enter your logo basics:

  1. Enter the text to include in the Logo Name field. This is typically your name or business name. To add extra spacing between letters, press and hold Option or Alt on your keyboard, then press the spacebar.
  2. Click the arrow to continue.
  3. Enter an optional Tagline in the field at the top-left corner of the page. This can be a short phrase or subtitle.
  4. Type any term into the Search field to find an icon that goes with your logo, or scroll to browse. You can also drag and drop an .svg file into the grid. You can add one icon per logo.



Step 2 - Edit the logo layout

Drag and drop any object in the logo to move it to a new position, or resize any object by clicking and dragging a corner. Use the tips below to make more advanced edits.

Adjust the grid

To open the grid settings, hover over the in the top-left corner of the grid.


  • Select Guides to reveal guiding lines that help align different elements.
  • Select Snap to Grid to automatically align elements to the grid when you move them.
  • Choose a Grid Size to set the density of the grid points.

Use alignment and layout presets

Use preset options to arrange your logo:

  1. Press and hold Shift, then click to select multiple objects in your logo.
  2. Use the Alignment options to change the placement of the logo name and tagline in relation to each other.
  3. Use the Layout options to change the placement of your name and tagline in relation to the icon.



Use keyboard shortcuts

To see a list of keyboard shortcuts, hover over the left panel, then click the ?.


Step 3 - Change the font and color

Click any part of the logo to adjust the fonts and colors.

  • Click the icon to change the fill color. You can pick a color from the color selector, or enter a hexadecimal number.
  • Click the name or tagline to change the font family, font color, font weight, and font style.

Squarespace Logo offers a smaller selection of fonts than are available on Squarespace sites, so you may not find the same font in Squarespace Logo that you’re using on your site. It's not possible to import fonts from your site or other font providers into Squarespace Logo.

Step 4 - Save and download

When you've finished designing your logo:

  1. Click Save Logo at the bottom-left corner.
  2. Click Log in or Create an account.
  3. Click Download beneath the version you want to download.

Choose from Color, White, or Black, or download all three. You can also set the size of your image by clicking Up to 2000px in the bottom-right corner. This sets the width for landscape logos and height for portrait logos.

Before downloading, keep the following in mind:

  • We recommend downloading all three versions to test, then see which image looks best for your site's background color. For example, a white logo might disappear against a very light background. If you're using the logo with your Squarespace site, you can adjust your site's background color.
  • In Safari, your download might open in a new browser window. To save the file, click and drag the image to the desktop. If you're downloading the white version, it might not appear in the new window, but it will appear after you drag the file to your desktop.
  • All versions download as .png files with transparent backgrounds. To change the file type, use a third-party image editor.

Check your email

You'll receive an email from Squarespace with the subject line "Here’s your new logo!" The email includes a permanent link to return to your logo, edit it, and re-download it any time.

We recommend saving this email in case you need to edit or re-download your logo in the future. From your email link, you can edit your logo’s font and colors, but you can’t change the name, tagline, or icon without creating a new logo.

Add your new logo to your Squarespace site:

To use your logo outside of Squarespace, keep in mind:

  • All Squarespace Logo icons come from the Noun Project.
  • Each icon has its own usage terms.
  • Before using your logo on social media, review the icon’s license.

For more information, visit the Noun Project’s documentation.

Create branded content for social media by uploading your new logo to a Brand Kit in Unfold.


I made a logo, but I don’t know where to download it

To download a logo, ensure that you’ve completed the process by clicking Save Logo. This will bring you to the download screen. You'll need to log in or create an account first, if you don't have one already. If you closed Squarespace Logo without downloading a file, you’ll need to start over.

I downloaded my logo, but I can’t find it on my computer

Your logo will download differently depending on your browser settings. Some browsers save the file to your default downloads location, while others will first open it in a new browser tab or window where you can manually save it.

If you don’t see it open in a separate browser tab or window, search your computer for recent downloads.

If you can’t find your logo email, first check your junk or spam folder. Next, set up a rule to accept all emails from Squarespace.

For more details and troubleshooting tips, visit Why am I not receiving emails from Squarespace?

If the email link seems broken, contact us, and we can resend you the link.

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